Descendants - Jamie

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Son of Jack Frost and Janny Black-Septim

Name: Jamie Alexander Black-Septim

Age: varies (depending on the story)

Nicknames: Bean, Snowman, Dragonborn 2.0

Gender: Male

Birthday: November 25th

Looks: Generally, he has platinum blonde hair and a skinny build (like his father). Once he becomes a teen, he dyes his hair dark brown. As a teenager, he wears Stormcloak armor.

Likes: Winter weather, animals, being a thief, stealing things

Dislikes: Summer weather, his father

Personality: (as a kid) Jamie is a particularly happy child; he's always curious and always asking questions. He's also very loving, especially towards his mother and his godfather Dorian. 
(as a teenager) Not as happy as before, but Jamie is still close with his mother and stepfather despite everything. He also regularly tries to visit his uncles Michael and Dorian, and his aunt Kelly.

Sexuality: (as a teenager) Bisexual

Other: He was born when his mother was 16 years old; he grew up hating his father, and he became close with his mother. He also inherited his parents' ice powers. Later on, as a teen, he joined the Stormcloaks as one of the first mages.

Theme Song:

Gold from RWBY


Mother: Janny Black-Septim
Father: Jack Frost
Stepfather: Brynjolf
Half sister: Ashlyn Frost (daughter of Jack Frost and Queen Elsa)
Aunt: Kelly Black-Septim
Uncles: Michael and Eren
Grandfather: Garrett Black-Septim
Godfather: Dorian Pavus

(When he was a child)
"Sometimes my momma gets angry. But that's only when people like my daddy hurt her. No worries, she has my papa Brynjolf now." "Who's my favorite? Probably Uncle Dorian... He gives me sweets and lets me dye my hair!"
(When he's a teenager)
"I want to pursue my own path. I know I'm a Black, but I need my own legacy. Not just the whole being the Dragonborn's son either." "If I could, I'd take on all of Tamriel if it meant seeing my other relatives again."

My OCs Forms (Tweaking Some Things)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz