Fairy of Ice - Demetria

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Name: Demetria Oakley

Age: 23

Nicknames: None (although Janny "affectionately" calls her the Queen of Mean; others call her Demi for short)

Gender: Female

Birthday: January 14th

Looks: Demetria has medium length black hair, extremely pale skin, and blue eyes. She's 5'7, has a curvy body figure, and her main outfit is pictured below. (In her fairy form, her colors are icy blue and light gray)


Likes: Annoying Janny, winter weather, snow, sweets, pranks

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Likes: Annoying Janny, winter weather, snow, sweets, pranks

Dislikes: Warm weather, evil people, spicy foods, serious moments

Personality: Demetria is a lot of things; she's easily angered, extremely sensitive, and a bit of a narcissist. Beyond that, she does have a caring side that hardly anyone sees.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Other: Demetria is a fairy; Fairy of Ice to be exact. Because of this, her powers rival Janny's inborn abilities, a fact she brags about every chance she can get.
Demetria was born in Morrowind to a Nord man and Breton woman; she had an older sister named Elyse, and a younger brother named Avan. While Demetria was learning about her status as a fairy, Elyse was joining the Morag Tong and Avan was becoming a Specialist.
Eventually, she had met Janny when she went to Riften; the two have been rivals ever since, especially after Demetria made snide comments about Janny not being able to control her powers.
Demetria's biggest fear is losing her loved ones; she has no allergies, but she does seem to have bipolar disorder.

Quotes: "Both Janny and I can control ice; but yet I can control my powers. Unlike her." "Wait, there's other fairies?!" "My sister is an assassin and my brother is a Specialist in training. Any other questions about my life? No? Good."

Theme Songs:

You Don't Know Me by Liz Gillies

Big Metal Shoe by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams and Lamar Hall

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