Bosmer Daedra Worshipper - Arryn

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Name: Arryn Loraleth

Age: 33

Nicknames: None

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 25th


Likes: Hunting, training, the Daedra, drinking ale, magic, the outdoors

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Likes: Hunting, training, the Daedra, drinking ale, magic, the outdoors

Dislikes: Parties, being away from Valenwood, rules, the Thalmor

Personality: Arryn is many things; she tends to be a huge flirt, first of all, having flirted her way out of several bounties. She's also rather cunning and ambitious, and above all, she has a sort of survivalist nature, coming from her being a hunter.

Sexuality: Lesbian (Married to Brelyna Maryon)

Other: Arryn was born and raised in Valenwood, to a pair of hunters. It was no surprise that, after they passed away, she became a trainer, having trained several of the younger Bosmer in the art of archery and even thievery.
After she hit her 30s, she decided to travel to Skyrim to pursue a new life. What she didn't plan on, however, was being swept up into worshipping the Daedra.
After a year of traveling, and thanks to the Dragonborn, she joined several groups, which is how she ended up meeting her wife, Brelyna Maryon. The two live in Markarth together, where Arryn regularly visits her best friend (Elasha Helesalor).
Arryn has a minor allergy to seafood and canis root, and she has an addiction to moon sugar. Other than that, she has no other illnesses.

Quotes: "I'm a hunter who also happens to worship the Daedra. Any more questions?" "I love my wife. She's so sweet."

Member of: Companions, Thieve's Guild, College of Winterhold

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