Orlesian - Mona

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Name: Mona Galatea Arceneaux

Age: 23

Nicknames: None

Gender: Female

Birthday: November 23rd

Looks: Mona has long, curly brown hair with red highlights, dark brown eyes, and light skin. When she was still a noble, she wore dresses she found uncomfortable. After leaving home, she prefers to wear light armor and her weapon is a bow and arrow.

Likes: The Stormcloaks, her old home (aka Orlais), wearing comfortable clothes

Dislikes: Dresses, the Imperials, the Thalmor

Personality: Being from Orlais, you'd expect her to be rather haughty. That's actually not the case; she's a rather kind soul, who - after moving to Skyrim - believes in what her heart desires. She is, however, also rather stubborn, believing that she and she alone must kill the assassins who killed her family.

Sexuality: Pansexual

Other: Mona was born in Orlais; her family moved to Solitude when she was five years old after her nobleman father bought the home there, aka Proudspire Manor. As she grew up, she started to hate the Imperials who made their home in Solitude, and began to secretly follow the words of Ulfric Stormcloak. After Ulfric killed High King Torygg (when she was still a teenager), she fled her home. She returned upon hearing the news of her parents' deaths at the hands of assassins from Orlais. After she turned 20, she started heading for Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks when she met Erik and Kala, and became friends with them. She also accepts Garrett Black as the Emperor, and she accepts Garrett's nephew as the High King.

Quotes: "I will avenge my parents! I don't care if I have to hire assassins to take care of other assassins. My parents deserve justice." "General Tullius is a damn fool. He should be executed as soon as the Stormcloaks win the war." "Kala and Erik are my only friends. Naturally, they're rather protective, though I don't understand why."

Theme Songs:

Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani featuring Eve

Seize the Day from Newsies

Bmblb by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams

Master of Tides by Lindsey Stirling

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