Drag Queen - Alecs

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Name: Alecs Novas

Age: 25

Nicknames: Super Nova (when in drag)

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 14th

Looks: When out of drag, Alecs has short and curly black hair, blue eyes, and extremely fair skin. He's also around 5'11 without the heels he wears, and his normal body figure is rather lanky. He also wears bright colors out of drag. When in drag, he wears a lavender wig with a white bow, black masquerade mask, black choker with a white bow, black drop earrings, black and white tube top, black and white skirt, black thigh high socks, and white heels. (Picture will be at the end)

Likes: Being a drag queen, performing, being with his friends, using magic, drinking and getting high, getting tips

Dislikes: Homophobes, not getting tips, people who tease him, super spicy foods, evil people

Personality: Even out of drag, Alecs is somewhat of a diva, being extremely flamboyant and sassy. He truly lives up to his drag alter ego, and when he becomes Super Nova, he's even sassier and more flamboyant. Deep down, though, he does have a soft spot for those he cares about (and there's very few people he genuinely cares about.)

Sexuality: Gay

Other: Alecs was born to a noble family in Solitude; he had the best of everything growing up.
It was this lavish lifestyle that allowed him to start experimenting with his identity; at 16, he finally found his identity through becoming a drag queen, and thus, Super Nova was born. However, his happiness was short lived.
After his parents found out about his drag persona when he turned 17, and the fact that he came out to them as gay, he was cut off from the family fortune, kicked out, and disowned. He would've died out in the streets, had it not been for a group of undercover Stormcloaks finding him and taking him to Windhelm with them. From there, he ended up becoming the adopted son of Ulfric Stormcloak, who allowed him to do drag performances as he pleased. Ulfric also got the court wizard to teach him how to properly use magic.
After being adopted by Ulfric, he would soon meet several new friends years later, including the Black family. Shockingly, he became really good friends with Eren Black.
Alecs has a minor allergy to seafood, he spends his free time drinking with friends and getting high, and he has a dog named Keeto.

Quotes: "Darling, you're too caught up in your own little homophobic world. It's MY time to shine." "Super Nova in the HOUSE!"

Theme Songs:

YAS by Todrick Hall

Supermodel by RuPaul

Cover Girl by RuPaul

Drag Look (made by Lily Diary):

Alecs wanted to be able to express himself freely in his drag outfit, and so he decided to, as he puts it, "embrace his inner slut

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Alecs wanted to be able to express himself freely in his drag outfit, and so he decided to, as he puts it, "embrace his inner slut." When it gets colder, he wears a white fur coat over his outfit before revealing the skimpy clothes underneath once he's indoors.

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