Elves - Icy

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Name: Iris Naveri

Age: 28

Nickname: Icy Moonlight

Gender: Female

Birthday: April 20th

Looks: Icy has long silvery hair which she pulls into a low ponytail, deep red eyes, and light gray skin. She's actually fairly tall, being 5'11, and she has a slight curvy figure. She has a scar just above her upper lip, as well as a moon scaped birthmark on her stomach. Even though she uses magic, she actually wears ebony armor.

Likes: Winter weather, Skyrim, traveling, magic, working hard

Dislikes: Morrowind, her grandfather, racists, Windhelm, nobility/being a noble

Personality: Icy can be rather stoic when you first meet her; this, of course, is a mask. The only times she ever smiles around anyone is if she's around her friends or significant other. Deep down inside, she's extremely troubled, and this causes her to do some stupid things (i.e. taking skooma, drinking irresponsibly, etc).

Sexuality: Pansexual

Other: Icy, formerly known as Iris, was born a noble and raised as royalty. Sadly, though, her mother died when she was a small child, leaving her father and grandparents to take care of her. When she was twelve, her grandmother was assassinated, and two years later her father was murdered by Thalmor agents. This left her in the care of her grandfather, King Dovrak. Throughout her life, despite having magical abilities, she was taught how to walk, talk, and act like a queen. Icy, however, hated her lessons, and often snuck out to avoid both the staff and her grandfather.
When she was eighteen, Icy became involved with one of the servants, a Khajiit man named J'koral. The two would meet in secret during the night, once the servants would be done working and Dovrak would be in his study. Of course, all good things come to an end. Dovrak eventually found out about the relationship, and, without any trial or explanation from both Icy and J'koral, called for the execution of J'koral.
This experience was the final straw for Icy. She soon made preparations and ran away from her home, catching a ship and sailing to Solstheim. She lived there for around two months, until she decided to travel further and take ship to Skyrim.
For eight years, she wandered Skyrim, all before the dragons returned. Once the dragons returned, she set out to join one of the many guilds; ultimately, she met a snow elf named Mera and a former Thalmor named Armono, and became friends with them.
Icy is mildly allergic to shellfish and cinnamon; she's also a big supporter of any mages (besides blood mages, of course.)

Quotes: "Skyrim may be a shithole, but it's better than Morrowind." "Nobody can know my true past. I don't want my grandfather to end up learning where I am."

Theme Songs:

I Kissed a Girl by Katy Perry

Centuries by Fall Out Boy

All the Things She Said by t.a.T.u

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