Elves - Mal

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Name: Malaki Nightwind

Age: (unknown)

Nicknames: Mal, Woodsy, Dream Warrior

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 4th

Looks: As a wood elf, Mal has pointed ears and somewhat darker skin. He also has dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, dark gray eyes, and he has some red war paint just below his right eye. He's shorter than an average elf, but he has a lean build. Mal also wears studded armor and carries an ebony bow, with a glass dagger in case his enemies get too close.

Likes: The woods, trees, being around animals, nature itself, alchemy and archery, sweets

Dislikes: Being in major cities, the indoors, most magic, the Thalmor

Personality: Mal is actually very charismatic; he can sweet talk his way in and out of everything, whether it be getting out of paying a bounty or convincing someone to beat up another person, or getting a flirty barmaid to leave him alone. Beyond that, he's very knowledgeable about the woods and how dreams work, and overall is a very cool guy with hardly any temper at all.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Other: Mal was born in Valenwood to two Bosmer hunters. His mother was also distantly related to a few important nobles.
When Mal was young, his mother died of mysterious circumstances, leaving him under the care of his father and grandmother.
After a while, into his adulthood, Mal decided to leave home and travel to Skyrim to become a member of the Companions. However, before he even got to Whiterun, he was ambushed by Thalmor Justiciars who had been suspicious of him. Barely managing to get out alive, Mal ended up on the outskirts of Falkreath when he was taken in by a group of mysterious people. Not thinking much of it, Mal allowed them to escort them to their home in Dawnstar once he was healed up.
Eventually, though, he figured out they were worshippers of Vaermina, the Daedra of Nightmares. But since he felt like he was more at home with them rather than anywhere else, he also started to worship Vaermina, calling himself a "dream warrior" as he soon learned to control his own dreams and nightmares.
Regarding romance, Mal isn't interested in any intimacy unless he forms a strong bond with whoever he's interested in. He did, at one point, have a deep bond with a Dunmer man who was later killed in a dragon attack.
Mal is also very good friends with Janny, Jayden, and Jason; he loves their bond as friends, and he loves seeing them pull pranks on each other. The only person he doesn't get along with is Mari, mainly because he doesn't like how she makes sexual jokes in front of younger kids.
Mal is allergic to seafood and gluten, has some hints of ADHD, and his biggest fear is what comes after death. He also formed a bond with Bella, Janny's dog, and Arson, Janny's baby dragon.

Quotes: "Big boy Mal is here." "I'm a dream warrior. One of the very few, in fact." "Let's go hunting."

Theme Songs:

Dream Warriors by Dokken

Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy

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