Orc Mercenary - Duruk

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Name: Duruk the Strong

Age: 30

Nicknames: None

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 17th


Likes: Weapons, doing jobs, being with his wife, drinking, traveling

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Likes: Weapons, doing jobs, being with his wife, drinking, traveling

Dislikes: Bandits, loud parties, jesters, bards, being away from his wife, the Thalmor

Personality: Being an Orc, one would expect Duruk to be a bloodthirsty mongrel, but that's not the case. Duruk, while a passionate fighter, is also very intelligent, having knowledge on almost everything from history to how weapons are forged, and shockingly he's a hopeless romantic.

Sexuality: Straight (Married to Ysolda)

Other: Duruk was the son of an Orc chieftain and one of the chief's many wives; growing up, he was groomed to become the next chief, but instead he convinced his father to let him leave to be a mercenary. So, he left for Elsweyr, honing his skills as a true mercenary, before he returned home to Skyrim. It was upon his return that he learned what happened to his tribe: everyone, including his father, was wiped out by the Thalmor a year after he'd left.
As a result, Duruk swore he'd do everything he could to make all of them proud, and so he joined both the Companions and the Thieve's Guild.
Along the way, during his travels, he met Ysolda in Whiterun. After giving her a mammoth's tusk, and after several visits in his spare time, the two fell in love and were wed a year later. The two live in Whiterun together, and Duruk gets regular visits from his best friend when she's not traveling with her husband (Rosalind).
Duruk has slight anger issues, along with a dairy allergy and a seafood allergy.

Quotes: "Greetings, I'm Duruk the Strong, but please just call me Duruk." "Touch my wife and you'll be losing fingers."

Member of: Companions & the Thieve's Guild

Theme Song:

My OCs Forms (Tweaking Some Things)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum