Special OC - Garrett

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Name: Emperor Garrett Arthur Jericho Black-Septim

Age: 50

Nicknames: None

Gender: Male

Birthday: July 31st

Looks: Garrett has messy dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and tanned skin which is littered with battle scars. He's on the tall side, standing at 6'7, and he's got a muscular build due to his years as a soldier. When not wearing normal noble attire or his armor, he can be seen wearing all black clothes underneath a brown leather hunting jacket. His weapon of choice is his glass sword, and he carries a shield with the Black family crest on it.

Likes: Being a leader, swords and shields, having a good time, being with his children and nieces and nephews, cold mead and ale

Dislikes: Blood magic, the Circles of Thedas, templars, the Penitus Oculatus, all of the evil in the world

Personality: Garrett is a rather charismatic man, to start with. He's got a silver tongue, which he used to make young women swoon when he was a younger man. He's also a big family man, constantly showing his love for his kids and his other loved ones. On top of that, he is a rather romantic type. His flaws include being overprotective of those he cares about - Especially his daughters - and his surprisingly short temper.

Sexuality: Straight

Other: Garrett was born to a woman named Morganna Black-Septim and a man named Arthur, who were both royalty; he had two other siblings, Serenity and Stoick. Both of them left to pursue their own paths, leaving Garrett (the middle child) to take care of his parents. When he was in his late teens/early twenties, he adopted a little boy named Michael, who was orphaned. Shortly after adopting Michael, his mother was assassinated. Garrett was then pressured into finding a suitable woman to marry. When Garrett was 28 (Michael was ten years old), he had met a mysterious woman who he ended up having an infatuation with. This resulted in a one-night-stand. Garrett, feeling terrible, fled his home with Michael, and journeyed to Skyrim.
One day, while camping outside of Riverwood, Garrett was woken up by Michael - he'd heard a baby crying not too far away. Garrett investigated, and there he found his firstborn daughter, Janny. Apparently, the woman he'd had sexual relations with was the goddess Aphrodite, and the result of that was Janny. So, Garrett took Janny in as his own. The same happened a year later when his second born child, Kelly, was born. When Michael was thirteen, Janny was three, and Kelly was two, Garrett took all of the kids and fled to the Imperial City in Cyrodiil.
Garrett spent three years in the Imperial Legion, leaving just after Janny's magical abilities first surfaced at the age of six.
He also had a brief relationship with a woman named Delphine; he left her after a few short months.
He is also the new Emperor of Tamriel, and is intending for Michael to take the throne when he retires.
Garrett absolutely despises blood magic, and he also despises Circles of Magi and templars. Since his daughters were first revealed to be mages, he's tried to protect them from that fate. He feels mages should be free.

Quotes: "Being an Emperor isn't so bad. Just have to deal with the occasional assassin." "My daughters mean the world to me... As do my sons and my nieces and nephews." "If anyone EVER lays a hand on any of my children... You WILL pay." "I would not have my daughters exposed to blood magic. So go ahead, call them apostates. At least they're safer here than they are in the Circles!"

Theme Songs:

Caffeine by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams and Lamar Hall

Sacrifice by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams

The Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

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