Main 8 - Kelly

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Name: Kelly Madison Black-Septim

Age: 21

Nicknames: Kel, Fall Maiden

Gender: Female

Birthday: April 30th

Looks: Kelly has short, wavy dark red hair and the same bright blue eyes as her sister, but that's where their similarities end. She's shorter, being 5'4, and her skin is slightly more tanned from being in Cyrodiil. While sometimes wearing mage's robes, she also wears light armor with red, black, and white being the main colors. She also wears a red cape, and carries a staff. She also has a slight mark on her head, from when Janny accidentally froze her head.

Likes: Cullen Rutherford, strawberries, chocolate, roses, capes/cloaks, magic, warm weather, the College of Winterhold

Dislikes: Most templars, cold weather, Cinder Fall, her past, Circles of Magi, Ancano

Personality: Kelly is a rather bubbly and energetic girl, always seeing the good in people once she gets to know them. She's also a hopeless romantic, and often dreamt of being swept away by her "prince charming." She does, however, tend to get angry easily, as well as extremely clingy and then upset when told to back off.

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more towards guys)

Other: Kelly doesn't remember much of her childhood; that is mostly due in part to the fact that Janny accidentally froze her head when the two were children. She does remember her magic abilities springing up when she was six (a year after Janny's abilities surfaced) and so the two girls spent their childhood together, learning how to control their magic. Kelly was extremely close with her sister, even when Janny made her lie to their father and older brother. One thing that scarred her was after Janny was raped by an old comrade of their father's, and she lived in fear even after the move to Kvatch. When she was 14, she experienced her first heartbreak, and that was when Janny had ran away from home for Skyrim. She became depressed, but it got even worse when she had heard of Helgen being destroyed, and her sister possibly being dead. Soon, though, she decided to go to Skyrim with her father and brother. When she was 15, she traveled to Winterhold and joined the College for mages like her. It was then that she was reunited with her sister; it wasn't a happy one.
Later on, after becoming Arch Mage, Kelly traveled with her sister & two cousins to Vale, enrolling at Beacon Academy and therefore becoming team BLCK ("Black," for their family name.)
When she was 17, she became the Fall Maiden, an honor passed onto her by the lover of her cousin Jayden.
She is, of course, still close with her sister even after everything that's happened between them. And she's a proud aunt to Janny's son.

Quotes: "You're looking at the Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold, as well as the Fall Maiden. You don't wanna mess with me." "Janny just doesn't get it. When she left, it was at a time I needed her the most. I thought she was dead. Of course I was gonna be angry when she turned out to be alive!" "My one fear? Dying. I don't wanna know what happens after you die."

Theme Songs:

Red Like Roses by Jeff Williams featuring Casey Lee Williams

We Are Who We Are by Kesha

Bang Bang by Jessie J featuring Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj

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