Mulai dari awal

The boys and girls still weren't awake, so I decided to make grill cheese bacon sandwiches. YUM. My favorite. But I used turkey bacon, because the pig bacon always gave me tummy trouble and it was less salter. I took the bacon and made 2 full plates of it. WOAH. I then took almost 3 loaves of bread out and layered each one. It took me 20 minutes to finish. I was tempting orange juice, so I got the oranges out and decided to make an orange smoothie. YUM. I had to make 2 batches, because I knew the boys would want some too.

*10 minutes later*

I was done with everything. The food, drinks, and cake.

I went up to all the boy's room first and woke them up. I told them to go downstairs and that I had everything ready for them. They groaned and I thought they were zombies. BHAHAHAHA. Except Liam. He looked decent. A LITTLE BIT. Looked like he was snogging Stephanie for a while. HEEHEEHEE. They all gave me kisses on the check and Eleanor and Vicki was already up. They were taking a shower, so I went downstairs. I see all the boys taking their medicines. It consisted of 2 Advil and one Tylenol. They all moaned and I was cleaning the stove.

"Thank you for taking care of us Annabear. I thought it was supposed to be me who took care of you." Liam chuckled.

"No problem. Well I was resposible for myself alot. And you boys, ehh." I laughed. All the boys took a sip of their orange smoothies that i made and began to eat. I took a couple of sandwiches with me and went to the living room.

"Oh No you don't. After cooking this amazing meal for us, you need to sit and enjoy it with us. Niall came over and picked me up.

"HEY!! It's ok! I don't need too!" I yelled. I try to struggle to get out, but no use. All the boys looked better after I fed them. -facepalm- Eleanor and Vicki finally came out. I ran over to them and hugged them. "Hey Eleanor! Xin chào Vicki!Tôi thực phẩm yêu thích của bạn. ( Hello Vicki! I made your favorite food!)" I yelled.

Everyone gave me a weird look, like I was stupid or something. "OH YEAH! I forgot to mention! Me and Vicki are Vietnamese! So we will talk in a different language then English!" I said.

"OHHHH."Everyone nodded. 

I laughed and went back to eating. "Vicki, bạn đã hoàn thành ứng dụng của bạn đến trường mới, chúng tôi đang áp dụng quá?" ( Vicki, did you finish your application to the new school we are applying too?) I asked her.

"Almost. Just need to sign it and I will send it in with you." vicki said.

"Ok. Hurry. The dead line is in a couple of days!" i said.

She nodded and we went back to eating. The boys had a weird expression and I said" I will explain later. NOW WE MUST GET READY FOR HALLOWEEN!!" 

Everyone nodded and cleaned up their plates. The cake was still left there because I wanted to save it to later. Niall and Vicki was sad. HA.HA. 

It was 5 in the afternoon already! WOAH! I decided to take a shower and get ready. I curled my hair and put a little red bow in there. 

I wore red jeans and a red long t-shirt. I put on my red cape or hood and walked out with mu red heels. Thank god it was only 1 and 1/2 inch because i was already tall enough. I was 5'8! I walked down stairs and the boys were not ready yet. I decided to go on my laptop and go on youtube and make a twitter account. I went on Youtube and searched up just Dance 4. WOAH!! The game just cam out today! I want to buy it! It consisted ONE DIRECTION, Selena Gomez, Nicki Manaj, Justin Bieber, etc. WOAH! The music was goo! Especially WMYB. The dance moves were awesome!! I needed to show Everyone this. I opened another tab and made a twitter account. I used my twitter name as @Anna_bear_loves_you. They allowed it and I went through! YAY! I followed One Direction, Eleanor, Vicki and the others. And some other celebrities. I used my profile pic as Elenor, Liam, and Louis when I had those matching days. I combined them, and made them as my profile pic. After I was done, everyone else was done.

"GUYS! Come here! Look at this new Just Dance 4 game on the WII! It consist y'all! ONE DIRECTION!" I yelled.

Everyone rushed over and I played the video. After it was done, Louis yelled, "WE NEED TO GET IT!!" "YES!" I yelled back. "Oh btw, Can you guys follow me on Twitter? I just made one. Everyone pulled out their phones and followed me. I refreshed my page and saw new followers. COOl. "THANK YOU!!" I yelled. They all laughed and we all went in to the car.

Before we stopped by the party, I went to go pick up Just Dance 4. Liam gave me 40 dollars. WOAH. I ran inside and got the new game! It was only 20! YAY! LOL. I payed the cashier and made my way out. It only took me  5 minutes! New record! 

"WOW. Someone is eager to play!" Harry yelled.

"YUP! I can't wait!" I yelled back. 

We stopped by the girl's houses to pick them up. Liam was dressed like Batman. Niall was dresses like a leprechaun, Harry was dressed as uhh. I have no idea. Zayn was dressed up as a vampire. LOSER. HEEHEE. Louis was dressed up as a carrot. Oh dear. Eleanor was dressed up as Marilyn Monroe. Vicki dressed up as Super Women. Rachel, Stephanie, and Reagan dressed up as zombie brides. COOL. 

We were driving and then I asked a question," Whose house are we driving to partically?" 

"Umm Greyson Chance. Why?" Niall said.

I dropped my jaw. NO WAY IT WAS GREYSON! He was all the way in AMERICA! "I know what you are thinking Anna. Yeah. He flew over here for his vacation for 3 weeks. And I know you loved him, so I decided to bring him to you!" Liam said.

I gawked and them I fangirled.

"I never fangirl, but AHHH!! I get to meet Greyson Chance!! YAY!!" I yelled.

Everyone laughed at me and still squealed. We were there once I was done fangirling. Everyone got out and I had to take off my shoes to get out. I jumped out and put my shoes back on. 

I was finally get to meet Greyson Chance and other celebrities at a Halloween Party! EEEP!!

How Did This Happen? *A One Direction adopted Story*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang