Chapter 5//Hell

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The young red headed girl, not older than fourteen winters looked over her shoulder to make sure that I was still there before she stopped in front of a barn. The inside was cold and the floor was stuffed with what seemed to be beds. More like hay stuffed bags.
"Thank you."

I say as kind as possible but she just looks at me with a confused glare. She walks out since she, just like everybody else, had still a lot of work to do till she could rest.

I see a ladder which leads to a second floor and I slowly climb it. I come to a floor filled with hay. I climb over everything till I'm at the end were a little window was. I move the hay so that I could lay comfortably. I look out to the sea, imagining the cold waves rocking me slowly to sleep. I feel myself becoming more and more tired when a long awaited voice wakes me.

"Ya still awake?" He asks.
I flip around, now completely awake.

"Oh, no."
I say with bibbering voice.
"Go away! I don't want you here!"

"Hey! You can't just shut me out!" He defends himself raising his arms.

"You see that I can August now get lost."

"I want to explain why."

"Why you left me alone or why you are I interrupting my sleep?"

"I didn't want them to think that you are crazy and that you speak with the air, but you made sure everyone thought this anyway!"

"Why do you even care ? This is my life not yours or ours, because there isn't an us!"

"You know that I loved you and if all this fucked up shit didn't happend I still could." He whispers his eyes glazing over.

My heart aches. Why does he have to be so stubborn? Can't he just leave, pissed off and hurt by my words?
I lay in silence my Eyes slowly filling with tears. I reach for August showing him to come to me.

"You know that this doesn't work."

"Just shut up and come here ok? I maybe can't feel your body but I know that you are here." He lays beside me holding me tight but I dont feel a thing. Just Nothing. Pure emptiness.

Narrorator POV

The fire was dancing and cracking as Sigurd throws another log into the flame.
He watched it for another second before joined the conversation again.

"I still don't get why you let Ivar have that Woman if you wanted her."
Sigurd said just as he takes his cup again.

"Because I think that Ivar could use some company and someone who helps him."

He tried to see where Ubbe came from, to see the caring big brother but when they talk like that it seemed impossible.

"Oh come on! As if Ivar knew what to do with a woman like her."

"Shut your mouth Sigurd." he yelled angry. He hated being a cripple more than that, he hated to think that he would never be able to please a woman or give her children.

"Stop worrying we all can tell you how she was when we're done with her."

"Or maybe Ubbe can already tell us something." Hvisterk interrupted smirking devilishly.

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