Chapter 39// Breaking up slowly

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Breaking up slowly is a hard thing to do
I love you only, but it's making me blue
So don't send me flowers like you always do
It's hard to be lonely, but it's the right thing

Hellas POV

I wake up some time later in my room covered in blankets. My head feels like its going to burst and as I look around everything looks so much more vibrant.

I try to use my arms to sit up when I feel the throbbing pain in my shoulder again.

Just then I notice Triska rushing towards me with big eyes and a wet towel.

"Dear don't move around!" She warns me placing the cold towel on my forehead.

"Triska I don't have a fever, I don't need this." I groan out sitting up with her help. As she positions my pillow for me to sit I notice a figure sitting on the other end of my bed. It's Ivar, his tired eyes gleaming up me, a small hopeful smile on his lips.

I jolt up instantly regretting it as my head begins to pound again.

"Get him out of here or I'll do it myself!" I hiss looking between the two.

"Dear I think he deserves to explain himself to you." She speaks out making me gasp.

"Do you know what you're asking of me?" I huff out getting more angry. How can she take his side? How can she be my guardian, the mother I didn't think I would find but now she sticks to him?

"No it's not my place to know what  happend, now stop being childish and talk." She orders walking to the door.

"I'll get you something for the pain." she adds as she leaves through the door leaving us alone.

My eyes flick over to Ivar who's silently watching me. He looks relieved yet stressed. It's like he's been waiting for our alone time which I most definitely can't share.

"Get out Boneless!" I spit out feeling disgusted just by seeing him in here again, in this room I let him touch me again, love me again a day before he hurt me again.

"Not till you tell me whats wrong." He persists crossing his arms over his chest. That stubborn bastard!

"Ivar I will quite literally kill you of you don't leave." I warn him feeling my pain dissappear as my anger boils up inside of me. How dare he sets conditions in his position.

"You're too weak to kill me right now. So what is wrong." He argues with a calm voice which makes me even madder. How can he be so blind to what he has done?

"Well let's start with the fact that I was hit with a metal shield in the head!" I scream instantly regretting it as the pain shoots through me again, a warning from my body to rest.

"Calm down you need rest." Ivar reminds me looking quite worried.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do or not! You have no power over me nor will you ever!" I scream throwing a pillow at him. He catches it raising his brows at me.

"What did I do Helena? You said you wanted me. What happend to that?" He asks as his voice gets slightly louder.

"I also said to never make me question you again. As we can see words don't hold value with us." I chuckle bitterly, looking into the face of the man that looks like a stranger to me.

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