Chapter 63// Winter Soliste

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"You little demon are going to make me insane." I coo trying to keep the baby still as I dress her. It's Yule and we were expected to look presentable. I had just woken her up from her nap and dressed her so we would be on time for the festivities.

She's just learning how to move that little body of hers around and it's honestly already a struggle.

"Come on, do it for Mama!" I plead kissing her little nose as she's playing with her feet, her newest obsession.

"Are you fighting your mother again?" Ivar asks as he comes towards the bed we're sitting on.

Things have changed for the both of us like I had never seen it coming. It's like he was switched out the day I wanted to leave. He gave me the space I needed and tried his best to not discuss his political matters while I was with him. Instead of locking me in, he started taking time off to train with me or simply have a walk. It was as if he started courting me like the fine sadon people do. He tried to win my heart again.

It seemed that he really did change. And I wasn't about to ruin it by leaving like I wanted at first.

Sure things weren't perfect but close enough for me to try. I could feel his tense energy as he watched over the both of us anxiously. He was frightened that I would leave him and I waited till today to tell him the truth

He was scared to loose us because of the decision I had to make. The decision he awaited on this special day.

"She puts up a fight whenever she can." I sigh trying to close the little outfit as her tiny fists swing at me.

"Of course she does she's my daughter at last." He agrees as he puts his finger over her face so she would grab that instead of attacking me. I shoot him a thankful smile as I put on her little outfit.

"She is, and she takes it a little too serious." I chuckle as I finally finish dressing her. Over the weeks her eyes opened completely so now she keeps looking around the world trying to figure it out, while we can only drool at her pretty face.

"Are you excited, I mean for your first Winter Soliste?" he asks looking at the both of us. Mel tries to wiggle to him but she doesn't have the strength yet to move out of my grip.

"It always looked pretty from the outside but I'm unsure how to feel about all the duties I now have on this day." I mumble combing through the little locks of my daughter with my fingers. They are surprisingly light for my and Ivars dark hair but as he explained his hair was just as blonde as Sigurds as a child. I highly doubt that hers will stay this light though.

"It's not as much as you might think. We have a feast and start burning the Yule log but other than that you can simply enjoy today." Ivar promises squeezing my hand.

"I will, I promise." I smile at him as I pick up the baby to walk into the great hall as I was craving some milk with honey. I walk out of the back, away from the lounging area we use whenever we want to have a little more privacy when Ivar yells after me.

"Wait I have something for you." he huffs out as he comes after us.

"Actually for both of you." He smirks holding her small hand with his pointer finger.

"Shouldn't we wait till after the feast?" I ask smiling up his happy face at our little wonder.

"Let me give you one at least." He pleads looking at me with the same eyes our child pulls when she doesn't get her way.

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