Chapter 37// Break apart

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Then how did we get here, my God?


I'm woken up by knocks on my door. I jolt up just like Ivar beside me. I look at him raising my eyebrows remembering last night still very vividly. A blush creeps up my cheeks as I bite my lip thinking about it.

"I'm coming!" I answer jumping up to grab some dress to quickly pull over.

"Hmm reminds me of last night." Ivar chuckles looking over me with a smirk. I hush him narrowing my eyes as I stumble to the door with my dress only halfway up.

"My Queen? Its Aren we have to talk, we'll wait for you know the battle room." he almost yells as steps behind the door disappear. I huff out annoyed that I just hurried myself for nothing. I drop the dress back onto the floor looking back to Ivar who's eyes flick up back to my face.

There the tension rises again as these hungry eyes gleam over me.

"You don't know how long I was waiting for you to let me touch you like that again." he chuckles laying down again, urging me to lay beside him. I smile at him feeling the complete same as I tip toe back into the bed, even if it's only for a few more seconds.

He opens the blanket for me as I climb under it laying myself on top of him to look him directly into his face smiling like a little girl. His warm skin sends me shivers all over as his arms sneak around me to to play with my long hair.

"Well you were quite a dick."
I chuckle drawing circles on his chest.

"And you were married to another man." he throws back raising a brow.

"Please don't remind me..."

"You know I wanted nothing more than to see him die a slow and painful death... for me he took you away, I felt beyond betrayed. But then I just thought maybe this is what you want, a marriage, some kind of safety." He begins spilling his heart as he looks away, like he can't look at me when he talks about his emotions.

"When you killed him and got your throne back I really thought that this was all a dream. And I questioned if I ever really knew you." He finishes his long fingers brushing through my hair.

"Knew me? I'm laying on top of you; naked I might add. Who knows me if not you?" I ask knotting my eyebrows.

He chuckles throwing his head back before he looks back to me.

"You're nothing like the stubborn foreign girl with her bow and too much jewelry I fell in love with. You've grown into a Queen and a firce warrior. And just maybe I feel not worthy to be beside you." He confesses as his hand reaches up, teaching my cheek with his thumb.

"Not worthy? You're the leader of the great heathen army. You're the son of Ragnnar Lothbrok. If anyone's unworthy it's most definitely me." I assure him placing my hand on top of his.

"Maybe... we're made for one another. Maybe the gods really made us to be together; rule together." He begins yet again which makes me think that Flokis nonsense has influenced way too much.

"Ivar... you know that I can't just act apon my heart. I have to do what is best for my people." I argue reminding once again that things cut be that easy.

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