Chapter 53// Evander

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I'll run the risk of being intimate with brokenness
Through this magnifying glass
I see a thousand finger prints
On the surfaces of who I am


I felt nervous that I was letting the people of my Island down but messengers frequently assured me that everything was going well.

The Wedding was coming up and with that the visitors from everywhere to witness it. I was sitting in the great hall on my chair beside Ivars Throne while people were coming in to show us presents.

My throne was in the making as Ivar had assured me. He wanted me to have my own, not the one his mother had. He wanted me to sit on a throne nothing less than what I had home. I told him that it wasn't necessary but he shushed me down saying that he wanted to give that to me as a wedding present.

Kattegat has become quite busy the last days. As the word of our wedding has spread people from all over scandinavia and even further lands came to see what all of it was about

People were bringing all kinds of gifts but they mostly were for me. From statues to wine or clothing and tapestrys from my old home. They brought it all.

Selene was sitting on a chair beside me her huge belly now very prominent. It could be any day her child arrived and with that Ivars own baby fever just increased. It's not like I don't enjoy the time we spend together and the gods know that he's good at what he's doing but I felt sore by Ivars tries to have a child himself.

Every second we had for ourselves he used to get between my legs which made a conversation or simply spending time together impossible.

We had a small fight the other night and since then he had given up a little. But as we got a midwife for Selene that was staying in the estate with us he ordered her to make all kinds of tinctures and teas to bring back the life in my womb.

I couldn't even talk him out of it as he was so focused on getting a baby. He probably knew more about all these herbs and home remedies that I did.

I'm sure the woman knows what she's doing but in the end I rather trusted the herbs Triska gave me as she lived so long that there isn't a herb she doesn't know. I've been taking the forever and they helped me with my visions and bad dreams.

King Harald was still in Kattegat as well though just till we were married. After the celebrations he was sailing to England to raid again.

Ivar was annoyed by all the preparations for the wedding as it seemed uneccesary for him to plan what kind of flowers there would be.
He did agree to follow a few traditions but made sure to let me know that the ceremony itself was going to be in the faith of his gods. It would upset all allies if their King married in the eye of his wife's gods.

He was especially annoyed of the praoulia, the time we would spend apart. I had lived with Selene and all the girls surrounding me at all times in a separate house were I had made offerings to both my and his gods. The girls were a bit scared by my gods but decided not to care as they wanted to be part of my ladies.

In these days you're usually spending time with all your female relatives but as I have none I relied on my best friend, my nymphs as I called them and Triska who would be arriving soon.

I teased Ivar here and there since our nights were spend separated but he didn't find it funny at all. His hands were more and more needy just like what's laying between his legs. I almost felt sorry for him... just almost.

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