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Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Through the leaves I could already see them. Pagans or at least that's what the whole world calls them.
But honesty I couldn't care less what they are, but more what they have.

The sun is slowly going down leaving the sky in a bright orange shade. The greatest gift my mother used to say. The greatest gift there is- seeing another sunset. She told me I would understand once I thought I would never see another one. 

She probably didn't think I would appreciate it that early as I was only thirteen winters old.

The sky was loosing its warmth, a purple hue lingering above us. I watched the sky darken sitting in my hiding place nervously plucking on the strip of my bow.

Not long after I would sneak into their camp taking what belongs to the people in the surrounding villages.
Slowly more and more of those tall blond haired foreigners were going into their tents which was a clear sign for me to strike again.

I gave the others a sign and soon the cloaked creatures that took me in not too long ago creep out their covers, ready to kill.

I put my hood back on and slowly sneak behind the tents. We were looking for food since they stole everything from the villages and the harvest was months away. We had no other option than to try and steal some food from the Vikings even if it meant that some of us won't return back home. We were ready to risk it for the dim chance of us getting something to eat.

While others of my group started to walk to the food stocks I sneaked into a big tent. Like always my curiosity took the best of me.

The whole floor was laid out with furs and on the Table were expensive looking weapons. My old Bow really looked bad in comparison. I took an engraved dagger which looked like it was worth enough to feed us for months with me.

As I was grabbing it I suddenly heard panic filled screams and the sound of feet trying to run away on the muddy soil. My small heart hammers against its cage as I feel myself panicking.

I turn around and see a tall man standing there with lust for blood in his eyes.

He was drunkenly staggering to me with his axe in his right hand.
Without hesitation I took the dagger and rammed it into his belly.

He just looked down at my small figure and let out a deep pounding laugh followed by a groan.

Before he could attack me I quickly place the sharp blade into his torso again, not knowing if it would actually kill him.

I've never killed let alone shot anything but small animals.

With the bloody dagger in my hand I see the man falling clenching his belly before his eyes roll back and he breathes his last breath.

Did I just kill someone?
I looked at the dagger that dribbled blood when I hear steps at the opening of the tent. Two boys come walking through it, towards the table of weapons when they abruptly stop and look at me. They must be around my age, still far away from being an adult.

They are both blonde with striking blue eyes. To me they looked funny, I've never seen features this pale yet I wasn't in the mood to laugh at them.

They stand there unable to move or to scream for help. Frozen in shock they eye me suspiciously not knowing what they should do.

I take my chance and run through the opening that I came through seconds before. My heart stopped as I saw what had happened here.

The corpses of my "family" were laying all over the mud, some still fighting for their lives. They were one of the many families I had and all of them never lasted long. I look around trying to find one particular person.

I let out a scream and run towards the one I never wanted to see like this.
He was holding onto his belly, blood gushing through the deep wound.

I could see the live slowly fading from his hazel eyes, his way too young eyes.
I kneel beside him whilst I press my hands against his wound which caused him to hiss. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
The Vikings were far away from us but I knew that it wouldn't take them long before they would reach and kill us.

An older man who travelled with us comes running towards us with a horse beside him. He takes Augustus against my protest and throws him onto the horse's Back. After that he lifts me up and puts me beside August who is leaning against me his breath getting slower and slower.

The man screamed something at us but I was to busy trying to save the life of my best friend to listen to him. I turn around to the man and see him slapping the horse on his bum before an Arrow hits his head and he falls straight down to the ground. The Horse Starts running away but I turn and grab my bow. I pull the string of my Bow and draw an Arrow which I release seconds after. A teardrop starts running down my cheek as I watch an Viking falling to the ground. The second man I killed today and yet I feel absolutely nothing but the fear that my best friend dies in my arms. I look back once more seeing the mans corpse before grabbing onto the horses mane tightly.

I never miss my target.


I wanted to do this for a really long time but never had the motivation to actually write the story.
Please comment your thoughts,feelings and honest opinions:)
And please note that English is my second language so if I mess the grammar up or something like that I'm really sorry

I hope you enjoy :)

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