Chapter 19// Blue Blood

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You should see me in a crown


After visiting Floki I ran to the practice ground only to find Ivar already there, waiting for me. Like I expected he wouldn't go any slower on me, leaving me yet again bruised and barely able to walk home.
Of course he found it amusing.

When I walked back to my room this evening I instantly felt like something was wrong. Grabbing my sword I slowly walk in seeing the crazy woman from yesterday sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask pointing the blade towards her.

"There you are I thought you'd never come." she giggles throwing her hands in the air.

"GET OUT!" I yell gritting my teeth.

"Hella I need to talk to you, it's very important." she says standing up, folding her hands in front of her.

"How do you know who I am?"
I ask walking closer, never letting the blade down, no matter how heavy it was.

"I have served your family for a long time. I guided your grandmother Ronna then Lova. I'm here to do the same for you."
she says suddenly calmer like a new person stood in front of me.

"My what?" I answer shocked. How does he know this? And what does she mean about guiding.

"The threat of silver the gods layed in you was there generations before you.
The women especially, where gifted beyond the imaginable but you my dear... I don't think you know how much silver is in you." She announces pointing a finger towards me as she comes a couple steps closer.

Confused and with a hundred questions I let the blade fall to the floor sitting down in the chair by the fire.

"You look so much like her, I mean Lova. I instantly knew when I saw you." she says sitting opposite of me on a chair.

"What was her power- are we all equally cursed?" I ask feeling overwhelmed.

"Lova could manipulate emotions. She could let visions appear in other peoples minds and some even say she had control over a pack of wolves." she laughs out with a warm smile.

"And your grandmother had control over the weather. Our Island was never found since she would simply lay a shield of fog around it. It was also possible for her to talk to her daughter wherever she was. Years after she ran away your grandmother ran to me in the middle of the night yelling that she just became a grandmother. She cried the whole night knowing she missed the birth if her first grandchild." She says coldy the glow of her brown eyes quickly fading.

I feel tears forming knowing that she could never hold me or even see me. Oh I would do anything to see her.
"Is my grandmother alive?" I ask hoping that I had at least some family left.

"A fever ended her a few years ago. But in all honesty I felt that she was long gone before, ever since Lova ran away." she says resting her elbow on the table deep in thought. Something about this woman feels warm an comforting like but I'm still ready to kill her if I have to. Who knows what goes on in this crazy mind.

"Why did she ran away?" I ask feeling my heart ache. Another person I lost, a person I didn't even know I needed. Would she recognize me if I stood before her: would she love me?

Maddend Heart ~Ivar The Boneless~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt