Chapter 59// Ours

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Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here
Remember everything will be alright
We can meet again somewhere
Somewhere far away from here


"No I'm certain somethings wrong. Go and look for the King!" I heave out as I send the slave girls away that were standing around me and the midwife.

I awoke from a long nap feeling a foreign pressure inside of me. They felt like menstrual cramps just more intense and when I turned around to wake Ivar he was gone. I was sitting on my throne my hands stroking my huge belly as I tried to breathe more calmly.

This was it, this was the day I would bring my baby to this world. And by the gods I was more than just ready.
I was done with the constant hunger, the itching skin and the bad mood. This child was making me crazy and it didn't even have it's first breath. Only the gods can help me with this little demon that was restlessly scrambling my guts with it's wild movement.

This first small kick was adorable and even Ivar began crying but now I wished it would rest at least for a little while. For someone this small it was needing the most little sleep ever.

"My Queen drink this it will numb the pain a little." the midwife suggests handing me something that was smelling awful.

"Not yet. If these are my last moments on earth I want to feel as much as humanly possible." I huff out as the pain momentarily vanishes.

"As you wish." the woman answers as the doors to the great hall bang open and a very disturbed Ivar comes sprinting towards me.

"Leave us!" he yells and as the midwife tries to object he adds:

"It's not going to slip out of her the second you leave. Now go." And with that everyone left the warm halls, leaving us all alone.

I stand up though he tries to make me sit again and wrap my arms around him.

"Where were you?" I mumble looking up his fearful eyes as he kisses my forehead over and over again.

"I had to have a talk with my brothers but that's unimportant now. What's wrong my love?"

"The little monster you put in me is coming Ivar." I mumble as his hands sneak down to my belly. I wore a white linen nightgown and wondered if I'd die in it. As his thumbs draw circles on my belly to calm me  the baby kicks after it's father causing him to chuckle and me to groan.

"You're right darling our daughter is coming. She can't even wait to greet us." He smiles leaning down to kiss my belly.

"I'm so fucking scared." I confess choking on my breath as another wave of pain strikes me.

"I brought the best healers there are, I won't let the gods take you away." He assures me as I sit back down to rest some more.

"What's wrong with you and Hvitserk? Did you fight again?" I ask trying to change the topic as I controlled my breathing.

"I send him away to another king to form connections but that's none of your worry darling." he assures me coming closer.

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