Chapter 51// Battle of Brothers

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We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for


The last thing I had memorised before hell broke loose where the hateful blue eyes of Lagertha on me. I stood right beside Ivar our power washing over anyone near us. He had such an anger in his eyes that even I was scared of him, and of the chaos he would cause.

I was commanding the archers. While everyone was fighting down there in this pit of insanity I was sending arrows into the chests of everyone I could catch with a turquoise shield.

It was a bloody and violent mess of guts and mud as the sky was crying for us.

Something in me had ached to fight with the others but I knew that that would be my death sentence.

I had commanded the Archers to stop as we were watching everything that happened down there. The chance of striking one of us was too high and so we only stood back and watched.

I tried looking out for everyone I hoped to go out this battle safely. I had seen Torvis light blonde mane a few times but couldn't find anyone else. Even my powerful shieldmaidens looked like beetles from this far.

Something inside of me was pushing me down that hill and into the battle. But I couldn't, it must be a trick by these gods. They wanted me to fulfill my purpose in Ivar saga as the first women he had loved that died of his foolishness. A cause for his chaos that would explain his rage furthermore, a reason for him to go wild. But I won't obey them this time. I stayed stubborn beside Ivar looking at it from a far.

It looked good for us but everything slowed down a little when I saw a tall, glowing man standing beside the angrily heaving Ivar. It's a full armour like nobody here had ever seen it. In the finest medals and with an elegant horsetail helmet like people where I come from wore it I the golden days.

I step back a little as my mouth hangs open. Ares. He seems to whisper into Ivars ear without him noticing it. He's pouring oil on the rageing heart of my love.

My prayers were heard. I look at the mesmerising God that doesn't seem to notice that I see him when something stops me to walk further away. I stumble against hard metal but when I turn to look at it I feel like screaming out. There she stood the grey eyed Goddess I had called for as well.

She shortly looks at me nodding before her smirk goes back the battle that was worthy enough for her to come. Worthy enough for her to spin the tales of a battle of brothers later on Mount Olympus.

Just then Ivar gave a speech, one like I'd never heard it. I heard him yell before, I've seen his rage before but nothing compared to this moment of revenge he had been waiting for so long.

Talking to him would be useless at this point, it's like I'm invisible to him. Everything is invisible as his eyes fixate on the woman he had sworn to kill.

At this moment I realised just once again that Ivar might love me but he'll always love war a little more. He even walks without his crutch, like nothing is even wrong with his legs as he roars at the men standing with us.
The power was always in him, Ares must have given him a little push but in the end there had always been the cold hearted lipn hidden in him.

As he finishes his speech that I'm sure would be recited for eternity he sends the next wave of warriors. As they are close the army of Lagertha retreats, fleeing the scene.

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