Authors note

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Hey to everyone reading!

Just a quick update as to why there hasn't been an update.

A few weeks ago I suffered from multiple major panic attacks resolving in a big part of me breaking.  I laid in bed for weeks and whenever I tried to write nothing came out of me. The medication I have to take don't really make it better and I feel like I need to repair myself before I can present to you the story in the quality I've been aiming for.

I love this story and its characters too much to let them go but I need to become stable before I aim to write at the paste I did.

There are currently 5 chapters laid out waiting to be finished and.... There will be a second book!!!

It won't have the length of this one and there could be turns you didn't see coming but I want to make this better than the first book.

So just know that their story isn't nearly finished, I just need a little time to recover.

I'm Thankful for everyone's patience and I very much love you all for loving the story.

All the best to you baddies xx

Maddend Heart ~Ivar The Boneless~Where stories live. Discover now