Chapter 24// Melting

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*I don't know if I should do a warning but this chapter contains smut so if you're not into that just dont read it and skip to the next*

Kiss it off me
If you're gonna break my heart this is a good start
Kiss it off me

This morning I slipped quite early out of Ivars grip, starting to get ready by stitching up myself. These were no serious wounds, but I still cleaned them before getting ready.
I slip on a dark green dress with slits on each side and a low cleavage cut, which I cover up with my brown corset. I still had to tip toe through the mess I made last night so I wouldn't wake Ivar. When I start to braid my hair feeling frustrated by it I hear a chuckle right behind me. When I whip around I'm met by the glowing blue eyes of the tired Ivar.

"What's so funny?" I ask letting the strands fall again.

"I'm laughing because of your horrible braiding skills." he says with that shit eating grin of his.

"Like you could do better." I huff out narrowing my eyes at him.

"Get your pretty ass over here." he flirts biting his lip as he sits up.
Gods does he rest, ever? I'm afraid I already know the answer.

"Get dressed Boneless, I don't need any braids in my hair." I shrug gliding my fingers through my long hair.

"Don't be so stubborn all the time!" he huffs out throwing his head back into the pillow.

"Only if you stop bullying me whenever I don't have a plan about the thing your people do.."

"I promise that I try my best." he says sliding in position as I stride towards him with raised brows. Let's see how this turn out.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are looking today?" he asks as I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling his fingers running through my hair softly.

"You were too busy making fun of me!"
I huff out side eyeing his godly features. He cocks a brow shaking his head in laughter.

"Sometimes I just think that it feels like you've always been a viking but then things like that happen, reminding me that you're different." he mumbles as he begins to pull the pieces of hair, braiding near my scalp.

"Your world will never fully make sense to me but, I'm learning, I guess." I say looking around the room.

"Then it would only be fair if you teach me about your lands." He suggests making my head turn.

"Stay still." he mutters with a concentrated look on his face.

"You want to learn about my homeland?"
I ask feeling near the tears.

"Your gods are intriguing me, I want to be able to speak your tongue, know what you mean when you yell at me. I'm glad with whatever." he shrugs as he finishes the braid.

I fully turn around, hugging him as tight as I can as his large arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer. Are things always going to be this beautiful between us?


The ceremony is nothing like I've ever seen ever before. With big eyes I watch them taking out the rings of a bowl of blood.

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