Chapter 40// Till the world falls apart

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We've been living on a fault line
And for a while, you were all mine
I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart
I swear that I'll be yours forever
'Til forever falls apart

Authors note: Holy fuck how did I write 40 Chapters already!!!


Before the sun was even up I was woken up. I grabbed just the essentials and quickly dressed before I was escorted to a small room up in the tower where Triska was already sitting.

I would've been just fine hiding with the Slaves and the people that didn't fight but like Ivar is, he prepared this extra room which is guarded by three big men. There even Was a bed in the room, but how did he think I would fall asleep when there are people dieing under me.

I was still very tired since my anxious thoughts had let me sleepless last night.

Triska has been unusually quiet, her stare made me wonder if she knew something I didn't. She was taking care of my wounds as I was watching the dark blue sky slowly turn lighter and lighter.

"I hope you made up with the Boneless." she suddenly speaks up as she cleans the wound on my shoulder blade.

"I told him that I'll leave after the war." I shrug still wondering if this was the smartest idea. She pulls on the bandages making me yelp out in pain.

"How can you be so stubborn and stupid?" She basically yells at me holding on tightly to the bandage on my wound.

"I'm acting like an adult for once and suddenly I'm the stupid one?!"
I whimper moving away from her touch.

"You're so blind of his love that he could do everything and you'd still not see it." She curses as me as she pulls me closer again as she continues to treat my wound.

"He uses me, that's not love." I remind both of us.

"He doesn't know how to love, give him time for the gods sake! You're so stubborn it even hurts me." She remarks like an angry mother.

"I think I can decide on my own if I want him or not." I bite back reminding her that we're not talking about a stubborn child but a grown woman.

"There is no decision to be made you already let him in your bed and I'm sure it wont be the last time." She remarks as she finishes her job. I turn around looking at her with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Triska!" I yell. I can't believe she just said that!

"What? I can literally feel the sexual tension between you two; it's suffocating!" She defends herself as she stands up walking in front of me to look at the smaller wound on my forehead. It's almost completely gone by now. I never really noticed how fast I heal till this war. Some soldiers die because of a small injury while mine seem completely gone in a matter of days.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I brush her off as she grabs a wet cloth to clean the wound.

"Whenever he sees you all the blood from his brain travels into his pants- no wonder why you always fight, he can't even think straight!" She chuckles as she holds my head tightly so I don't move. I blush just by the thought of it and Triska seems to notice as the corner of her long lips go up a little.

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