Chapter 36// Love and war

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Broken pieces of the night
Sing like hollow lullabies
You and I, always in disguises


I already see the shore as the cool wind blows through my hair. I'm alone on my ship yet it still sails as fast as if a hundred men move it. Soon I'm at the dock where my Ship slowly stops. The people seem like nothing has even changed. I look around happily as I realise I'm home again. I'm back in Kattegat.

As I walk to the great hall I see Ivar standing in front of it smiling at me, or in my direction. I smile back at his figure, hes standing so tall I wonder if I just imagined him to ever crawl. I call out for him but he simply walks into the hall. I begin to run wondering why he didn't hear me when the doors suddenly close. Without thinking twice I run after him but as I pull open the heavy doors I'm not met by the usual great hall but a field. Its suddenly sunny and warm, the smell of grass and the ocean makes me excited. I hear his cooing voice yet I don't see him. I stomp around when I hear the giggle of a child. I turn around to the sound when I see a small girl giggling over a flower. But wait haven't I been here before? Am I dreaming again? The girl is blonde and has blue eyes, she looks nothing like the girl out of my last dream yet she's still so beautiful.

She grabs the big poppy she was excited looking at it in admiration.

"Helena?" Ivars voice suddenly calls which makes me look up in relief. He's here, he's here for me.

He walks up the small hill but his eyea aren't on me. They are on the small girl which turns around jumping up and down to show him what she found.

I raise a brow confused as to why I haven't been noticed or why this girl and I have the same name.

"Oh is this for me?" he asks pretending like the flower is the most beautiful thing.

The girl shakes her head grinning which makes it so clear she's Ivars. The same damned grin.

"Momma!" she exclaims as I see a woman walk up from the distance. She's a small woman with luring curves and such a beautiful smile that I'm instantly jealous. She has the same pin straight blonde hair like the child and crystal blue eyes that shine over Ivars figure.

"Ivar?" I ask hesitantly. He doesn't turn around like he didn't even hear me.
I don't know what it is but I don't like it. I walk closer trying to touch his arm but my fingers slip right through him.

Panic starts to rise in my as I realise he really doesn't hear me. It's like I'm the ghost just like Auggie.

"Ivar!" I start yelling hoping hes only kidding with me. I get impatient basically punching his back as the woman approaches. Ivar kisses her forehead as the girl runs over her. She picks her up and takes the poppy in her hand smiling at the small kid.

I feel like throwing up. This isn't right, this shouldn't be.

"Ivar please, I'm sorry I-" I stumble apon my useless words. Is he really this happy without me? Is there peace in his mind now that my trouble is out of sight?

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