Chapter 89: Isolate

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It was horrifying to see Henri with golden eyes.

And okay, sure, it wasn't the most horrifying thing Ochako had seen and experienced...

But as his friend, she couldn't help but feel chills run down her spine upon seeing him like that.

And it was just through a mirage in a lake. How much more if she actually saw this in person?

"Is this who you had in mind?", the Lady of the Lake prompted. "When you came here to get my silver?"

The rest of them turned to each other, then looked down, nodding ashamedly.

The Lady of the Lake is a really beautiful, ghostly nymph in white robes; not what they were expecting from someone who killed a lot of travellers seeking for her silver, but they guessed it will do. She also has chalk-white skin, silver hair, a long nose, big black eyes and crimson lips.

Ochako remembered that she's a very dutiful maiden and loyal to both Merlin and the king of Camelot. She also protects Excalibur since the king's death and would only allow the purest of hearts to see her and wield her silver.

Which made her wonder; why did she let them enter Avalon?

The try-to-kill-them part, she really did that to them; when the waves of water slammed onto them, Ochako felt like she was crushed by a skyscraper.

Struggling was useless. She couldn't breathe, as all the air was knocked out of her lungs like she got rolled by a rolling pin.

And just as she started to lose consciousness due to the lack of air, she felt herself get launched up from the water and into the air with the rest of her friends, roughly landing in the snowy ground and pine trees surrounding the castle...and before the Lady of the Lake herself.

So, yes, beyond the fact that they had the Olympian Bronze and some Black Swan Gold with them, they couldn't really comprehend why she spared them and let them enter.

"I was told by an old friend of mine", the Lady of the Lake explained, her voice a melodic sound. "That a group of teenagers will come here, trying to get my Silver so they can have a better advantage at...Walpurgisnatcht, was it?"

"I...yes, ma'am", Ochako bowed timidly. "If you don't mind..."

"You also need my Silver to free your friend of the Black Swan Gold's influence", The Lady of the Lake tilted her head. "Right?"

Tsuyu bowed next. "Yes, ma'am, ribbit."

The rest of their group bowed as well, except for Mineta who kept looking at the nymph in awe, until Jirou grabbed his head and forced him down.

The Lady hummed, before pointing out. "Well, I can't give it to you right away. I know you're all mostly great kids, but..."

Majority of the group flinched when she said mostly great, but she drifted down to their level and opened her palm. "There's still a couple of tests you need to pass to be able to retrieve even one of my Silver. Are you children willing to take the risk?"

They all looked at each other, before nodding. Then, Ochako stepped forward and smiled determinedly. "Yes, ma'am, we're sure."

The Lade of the Lake looked at her, then at the others wearing the same determined faces, before bowing in kind. "Very well."

Then, she held out a small vial of clear blue liquid. It had a ring or halo around the lid, which both freaked out and fascinated the teens. "This is the Elixir of Innocence. This will determine if any one of you is worthy of getting my Silver. However, be warned; if you have too much sins that you are still guilty about, the elixir will burn you inside out."

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