Chapter 82: Harmony Hall

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Kyou watched as Ochako came inside her humble abode with Tsuyu and Tooru. "They're what I could reach for now. I-I can get more people in if you want--"

"No, no", Kyou waved her hands in dismissal. "This is enough. You can spread the information later on when you can reach everyone else."

The girls looked at each other tensely, before nodding dutifully. "Okay."

Kyou gestured for them to sit beside her in her sofa. Reluctantly, they did, before she asked. "Do you want any drinks? Coffee, tea, maybe? Any cold beverages?"

Tsuyu shook her head sheepishly. "We're good, ribbit."

"Alright, if you say so", Kyou sighed. Then, she looked at the windows to see if they may be another audience, before she put a finger against her lips; the universal sign of silence. "Listen up; no one but your class can know about this. And if anyone asks, say that you only found this knowledge in the textbooks or something. Don't tell anyone that I taught you this. Okay?"

Urgently, the three girls nodded. Kyou's lips quirked upward, satisfied. "Okay, then. Thanks. Now, on to business."

She opened her palm, to show three different gold accessories with inky black spots in them; one's a bracelet, another one's a choker, and another's a headband with a pretty rose in it.

Ochako, Tsuyu and Tooru hesitantly took them, before looking up at Kyou for directions.

Instead of speaking, Kyou just brought out a dagger and started to edge to them closer.

"Woah, woah, woah!", Ochako shrieked, standing up from the couch and pulling Tsuyu and Tooru far away from her. "Are you actually trying to kill us!?"

Kyou owlishly blinked, the dagger faltering a little in her grip. "What? No. You'd need to drop at least three drops of your blood in the gold for you to be able to wear it and gain it's abilities no problem, and without being controlled by our master."

Ochako blinked back, before looking down at her chosen bracelet accessory. "Oh..."

A sigh again, before Kyou motioned them to go near her. "Now, come on. I know the parts where I should prick you to draw as little blood as possible so you won't be that hurt."

Silence. All three girls looked at each other.

Then, Tooru immediately jumped beside Kyou and gave the organisation member her invisible hand. "It's a beautiful day, though, right?"

It went on for a while.


So, there's good news and bad news.

Good news is; they recieved Demeter, Hera and Artemis' blessings, and they had confirmed that they only had one challenge left, and they should do well on it unless they'd like to have additional ones.

But the bad news? about the fact that they had actually been here for days?

It was kind of insane, because as far as they know, they'd only been in the Necromanteion for a couple of hours.

"Well, that's the thing about this place", Artemis stated grimly while sharpening the arrowhead of one of her arrows. "It's like the labyrinth."

They were all seated in a campfire, with the three goddesses beside each other, so what she was doing made sense.

"The labyrinth?", Shouto asked hesitantly.

Artemis ignored him. Demeter went ahead and answered it for him, though. "The less said about that place, the better, my dear. Come on, eat your cereal."

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