Chapter 2: Stay Alive

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Henri and Nagisa made a habit to write what they were saying on a paper using a gel pen and vocalize what they wrote so that Izuku could partake in their conversation.

A couple of years passed after the trio first met.

Currently, 9 year old Nagisa was walking with Izuku towards the greenette's home. Henri would've joined them, but he was suddenly needed by his dad to make a support weapon for the hero Eraserhead.

The brunette couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend time with his father (even if Nagisa tried to tell him that the old geezer is just using him and sees him simply as an asset. He's too determined to think that his dad really loves him) so off he went.

Sighing, the bluenette wrote something on his notebook using a gel pen and gave it to Izuku as he vocalized what he wrote. "What do you think about Eraserhead?"

Izuku felt the gel pen on the paper to know before answering. "I think he's incredible. Even if his quirk isn't suitable for combat, he still became a good hero. He fights basically quirkless, too!"

Nagisa grabbed the notebook back before he could go into another muttering storm. He wrote again and vocalized as he handed it back. "I think you'd be as great as him, maybe even greater; quirkless or not, with disability or without. Hiccup definitely thinks that."

Izuku was silent for a while after feeling that. Then, he replied in tears. "Thank you, Nagisa."

Nagisa hummed and wrote again. "Welcome. Want me to stay for a while at your house? My mom would be working late today."

Izuku felt the message on the paper, hummed and nodded. "That would be great."

They continued to walk ahead for a while. Suddenly, Izuku stopped, seemingly sensing something.

Nagisa frowned at turned to him in confusion. He tapped him at the shoulder.

Izuku didn't respond to that. Instead, he grabbed his friend's hand and dragged him to who knows where. "W-waahh!!"

The two boys ran from alley to alley in a hurry. Nagisa was extremely confused by now.

Finally, Izuku stopped. Nagisa frowned and, using the pen in hand, reverted to old ways and wrote on the greenette's shoulder. What is it?

Izuku glanced at Nagisa worriedly before stating. "Someone's hurt."

Nagisa tilted his head in confusion. What?

Izuku pointed to another alleyway. Both boys approached and peeked through--

Nagisa doubled over in shock. If Izuku wasn't diagnosed as quirkless, he should've thought that his sense of touch was his quirk all along.

In the end of the alley, hidden away from the rest of the world, was an injured man with a severe injury on his face. He looked to be lying between life and death as the man laid in his own pool of blood.

Nagisa gasped, frozen. Izuku, meanwhile, trudged right in and approached the injured man.

The bluenette hurriedly followed the disabled greenette with a cane (yes, of course Izuku has a cane) as he fumbled with his phone. He is usually calm, but the sight of blood triggered some traumatic experiences from him. "E-emergency. I need to call emerg--"

"Please call an ambulance, Nagisa", Izuku stated as he felt the blood through his fingers and smelled the mettalic scent.

Nagisa knew Izuku won't hear him anyway, but he can't help but bark. "I'm doing it right now, Izu!"

He dialed 911 as Izuku ripped the hem of his shirt and bandaged the person's face. He, then attempted to stop the blood flow to prevent the man from dying from blood loss.

The first aid came from Henri. The brunette practically drilled every first aid method in his head the first time he heard that he wants to be a hero, too. Izuku was grateful to him for that.

He was going to save this man's life.


All for One woke up to the scent of antiseptic in a pitch black room.

He knew what this means. He was in a hospital. The fight with All Might had left him severely injured; mostly to the head and his eyes, and he knew he wasn't going to survive.

So, who saved him?

"Uhh...hello, Mr?"

He jumped at the voice. Isn't it midnight?

"What's your name?"

All for One blinked. Then, he used a random name he came up with in case he had to interact with the civilians. "Hiroji Matsuo."

"Hello, Mr. Matsuo. I am Dr. Nojiri. You are in the Mutsufatsu hospital and it is currently midday."


All for One used a stolen quirk, Thermal Veiw. He instantly saw that judging by the heat of the room and on the window nearby that the doctor was right.

He saw the doctor. She has long wavy hair and a petite frame wearing a lab gown.

Using another quirk, Color, he saw that she has Silver hair and Onyx eyes as well as sunkissed skin. She was smiling at him out of kindness and pity.


"You hurt your eyes pretty badly", Dr. Nojiri continued. "We could only do so much. You are out of harm's way, but you will be permanently blind from now on. I'm sorry."

Ah. That explains it.

"Who saved me?", All for One asked the doctor.

Dr. Nojiri opened her mouth to answer--

There was a knock at the door. She turned to it in surprise. "Oh, they're here?"

All for One blinked. They?

She opened the door to reveal two boys and a girl. The girl has Sapphire Blue hair and Azure eyes. One of the boys have Auburn Brown hair and Emerald Green eyes while the other has closed eyes and curly Mint Green hair.

"Hello, children", Dr. Nojiri smiled at the trio before gently pulling the boy with the curly hair and said to All for One. "This is Izuku Midoriya. He was the one who performed first aid to you while his friend, Nagisa Shiota, the girl with the blue hair, called the ambulance."

"I'm a boy", the girl--no, boy, Nagisa commented and beamed at the brunette. "Also, those first aid lessons really did pay off, Hiccup."

The brunette, Hiccup(?), smiled. "I'm glad."

"If Izuku here hadn't done that", Dr. Nojiri smiled. "You would have been dead halfway through here. He saved your life."

All for One stared at Izuku, stunned.

Saved my life...?

A gentle breeze flew past, blowing a few leaves from the trees surrounding the hospital nearby.

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