Chapter 10: We Know

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"Izuku, honey", Inko called out worriedly. "Why are you staring at the fish like that? Are you okay?"

Izuku jolted from his thoughts and almost fell off his chair. Nagisa and Henri looked at him worriedly.

The three of them were once again in his house, eating dinner. They seem to do that often and for some reason, Henri was the one who brought it this time; it's a tasty German meal called Sauerbraten.

"Oh, I'm sorry, mom! S-sorry, guys!", Izuku apologized.

Nagisa and Henri looked at each other and exchanged expressions before turning back to him.

"Izuku", Henri started. "What's wrong?"

Izuku solemnly looked down and went silent as he fastened his pace at eating his part of the meal.

Inko, Nagisa and Hiccup looked at each other in worry and concern.


"Don't let what those so-called heroes get you down, Izu", Tomura snipped. "If they don't see your potential, then they're not really that great, are they?"

"That's kinda mean, Tomu-nii", Henri chided as he helped clean Kurogiri's glassware.

Izuku slumped down even firther at the counter. Kurogiri settled a hand on his hair. "Do not worry, Izu. There's plenty of opportunities for you to become a hero if you don't get accepted."

"That's a bunch of beloney!", Himiko suddenly popped up and stabbed the counter. She ignored the bartender's glare. "You'll surely get accepted, Izu! I'm sure!"

Izuku banged his forehead against the counter hard. "I only managed to get 16 villain is that going to get me accepted?"

They went silent. It is true, after all. UA only accepts those who went above 25 points. Nagisa and Henri got fairly decent points at it; the blunette 30 and the brunette 28.

"Well", Nagisa shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe we'll find a loophole and you'd end up on the top 3 or something."

Suddenly, Dabi barged in, holding a letter in his hand. "Izuku, you got your letter!"

Izuku looked at it warily.

"Oh, that would mean we got ours, too", Henri grinned at Nagisa.

"Mom's going to flip when she sees it, though", Nagisa frowned. "Then she'll immediately try to transfer me to General Education because girls aren't supposed to be doing hero stuff."

"Your mom is darn evil", Himiko pouted. "She forces you to be a girl all the time, even though you're a genderfluid person."

"To think she would've been satisfied with me being a girl half the time", Nagisa groaned. "So much for that."

Dabi handed the letter to Izuku and they all crowded around him to watch.

Izuku would much rather watch it alone, but he knows the others won't stop pestering him about it. Nagisa and Henri would understand, however, Tomura wouldn't.

He's a man-child that way.

Frustrated, he tore the letter in half. A metal disk fell on the counter with a clang, as did a letter.

Instantly, the disk blasted a light and suddenly, the face of All Might came into view. "I am here, as a projection!"

All of them fell back. A--All Might!?

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