Chapter 36: Say Amen

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Izuku sweatdropped. Beside him, Jirou blinked. "Wow, Henri looked like the human embodiment of an error screen."

Madoka noticed the blank look on the brunette and immediately pulled away. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"

Henri gave no reply as he remained standing still like a statue.

"Well, you just broke him, Madoka", Kyoko casually mentioned, which earned her an armchop from Sayaka. "Ow! What the hell!?"

"Maybe Muto-kun can fix him?", Tsuyu suggested.

"He left with All Might to assist him with Inokuma, so he's invalid", Nagisa cracked her knuckles. "However, I do know how to snap him out of that. Izu?"

Izuku reached out from his pocket and pulled a Dark Chocolate bar. Then, he tossed it to Nagisa.

The bluenette shrugged and tossed the chocolate to Henri's direction.

Instantly, the brunette shot up, caught the bar, teared off the wrapper and began rapidly eating it while blushing and without meeting anyone's eyes.

"He just needs chocolate to absorb the new life-changing info he just recieved", Izuku explained with a grin. "It's his favorite treat, after all."

Henri's blush deepened as he took bites off the chocolate bar. His scarf bounced and moved from every movement he made.

"Well, isn't that just adorable!", Mami cooed.

"That doesn't matter right now", Homura gave a monotone stare to everyone. "First, before we explain to you about our world, would you please tell us what Madoka was talking about? That guy with...Black Swan Gold?"

Izuku and Nagisa shifted and refused to meet anyone's eyes.

"Hey, come on", Sayaka strolled to the trio. "You can't keep this a secret forever! Tell us what you know."

Nagisa sighed, and turned to the brunette. "Hic."

Henri gulped and nodded. Then, he shifted to sit on the floor as Kyuubey came to sit on his lap.

The rest followed suit. Katsuki and Tomura decided to play GTA to set the mood lighter.

"What's going on here, Henri?", Mina asked.

He sighed. There's no choice now...

"Black Swan Gold is a unique kind of jewelry", Henri calmly explained while he pat Kyuubey in the head similarly like a cat's. "It latches onto it's wearer the second you wear it, and it stirs your moral compass towards Evil, no matter how hard you try to be Good."

The rest stared at him, stunned.

"If...if what you said is true...", Madoka bit her lip. "Is there any way for the effects to disappear? Can't we just--I don't know...take it off or something?"

"If that's the case, then Hic would've ripped the earring off of the guy the second he saw it", Nagisa yawned as she laid on her futon beside Katsuki and Tomura. "No, the only way to save the wearer is to convince them to take the jewelry off and destroy it themselves."

"But it couldn't be destroyed just by any weapon", Izuku murmured as he let his head rest against Ochako's shoulder, who was blushing madly. "No, you need the complete opposite of the treasure."

"The Lady of The Lake Silver", Henri nodded.

"The kind of silver Excalibur, the legendary sword king Arthur had, was made into", Nagisa added with an upward flick of a finger.

Sensei was listening from the other side of the screen. The villain was perplexed to say the least. "So, Excalibur really did exist? I thought it was just a legend?"

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