Chapter 54: Agape

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When the morning comes, when we see what we've become...

Henri, 2 years of age, ran around the mansion chasing his 5 year old brother, Hermann, as the latter jokingly carried the journal he was trying to write on. "Nii-chan! Give it baaack!"

Lieselotte was fondly watching them from afar. Teiji walked past her.

She blinked. "Teiji--"

The door slammed shut after he walked through. She wondered what just happened.

In the cold light of day, we're a flame in the wind, not the fire that we've begun.

Henri had finally got his journal back and was doodling on it with Hermann perched peside him. They were seated at a firm branch of the tree, with the guards on standby in case anythin happened.

Hermann couldn't help but snicker. "Are you....drawing All Might?"

Henri nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! He's so bright and warm...I want to be able to work by his side! I want to be able to save people from their in--ine--in-e-v-it-a-b-le fates!"


"Yeah! I'll be...ummm...what's the heroes' assistant called again?"

Hermann laughed and ruffled his brother's hair. "Now, now! No need to call yourself a sidekick! I'm sure you'll be a hero on your own!"

Henri looked up to his brother, his eyes shining. Then, he grinned. "Then, you'll be my hero, Nii-chan!"

"Nahhhh! I'll probably just laze around and be fired in a day..."


Hermann laughed and gave his brother a noogie. "HUEHUEHUE!"

Every argument, every word we can't take back...

3 year old Henri came bounding towards the living room excitedly while Hermann was lying on the ground acting like he was dying. Lieselotte was fanning herself while Teiji drank cold water. "Ah! It's so hot in here!"

"Mom! Dad! Nii-chan!", Henri carried in a strange contrapion. "I made this!"

"You're not supposed to be messing around with stuff, Hen-Hen", Herman stuck his tongue out. "You could have--"

But then, when the child pushed the button, they were immediately cool and comfortable with their surroundings. Henri smiled brightly. "It worked! Nii-chan! I'm going to be a hero!"

Hermann laughed, lifted his brother up and went along. "Yes, you'll become a great hero!"

Lieselotte giggled. However, Teiji had something else planned.

And days later, Henri, not Hermann, was announced to be the heir of the Light Support Industries. To say that Hermann only let out a few choice words was an understatement to that; his brother was just freaking 3!

Lieselotte was also scolding him about it. However, Teiji only blew a cigarette and said. "I don't care what you think. Him being my heir will surely make the company rise from bottom to top with no fail!"

She clenched her fists, but she didn't know what to do anmore. How dare you, Teiji...

'Cause with the all that has happened, I think that we both know the way that the story ends.

Henri ran to Teiji's office with the journal he was holding. "Dad! Dad! I have tons and tons and TONS of ideas that could help the company! I could finally help you!"

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