Chapter 53: Face The Truth

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Kaede gaped at the landscape around her.

The waves clashed around the stone floor and quickly spread around the landscape.

Snakes of any kind had appeared and wrapped themselves around anything that moves. A couple of them even bit the stone dolls running around, which cracked and crumbled into pieces immediately.

But the most terrifying of all was the witch in the middle of it all.

To be honest, the witch looked like it had once been two different people that was split into half and glued together.

The right side looked like a rotting corpse, with dried up hair attached to what looked like rotting skin, a sunken eye bulging in her skull, and the dress on that side had been ripped and dirtied, too.

The left side, however, looked like one of those ancient statues of Medusa that they all had seen during the trip to the museum the whole class had with Koro-sensei. The snakes moved around and hissed, while the Azure Blue eye glared at the stone dolls around her.

The green-haired teen searched for an exit, when suddenly, she saw Nagisa's unconscious form falling from the labyrinth's sky. She gasped. "Nagisa!"

She didn't care if there might have been a chance that she will get bitten by snakes herself. She only cared about saving Nagisa from certain doom.

So, with the tentacles in her nape giving her a boost every time she had to touch down, she finally caught the bluenette after a couple of leaps in a bridal-style hold. "Gotcha!"

It was then that she realized that she was directly in front of the witch. She slowly turned in fright and met the eyes of the half-rotting witch.

A beat passed.

The witch let out a bloodcurdling, and somehow hearbroken scream as the waves slammed down around the three more intensely.

"W-what the...?", Kaede flinched as she touched down on one of the tiles that began to appear from the waves. "Who are you? WHAT DID YOU DO TO NAGISA!?"

The witch continued to scream. The snakes, however, had noticed her and started to head towards her with fangs rearing.

Kaede squeaked, pulled Nagisa's body tighter and braced herself for impact--

All around her, the snakes blew up and exploded with fiery flames. The green-haired girl's eyes widened in surprise.

Homura plopped herself behind her and said. "Stand back."

She disappeared for a moment and reappeared beside her. A bomb had blown directly in the witch's face and that had caused her to scream even more.

Homura offered a hand to Kaede. "Grab on."

Without protest, she did. Immediately, she saw that the world had frozen around her. Even the wich had stopped moving.

"Be careful", Homura warned as she started to lead Kaede out of there. "Or else you'll be frozen in time, too."

Kaede started to follow her without letting go of her hand. However, she was still curious about something. "Umm...Homura-san? Can I ask a question?"

"It depends. What is it?"

All around the two of them, the Clara Dolls moved and seemed to look for something despite the time freeze.

Kaede bit her lip. "W-what's going on? What's that witch?"

Homura sighed. "Apollae and Hermea forgot to tell this little detail, huh?"


The Clara Doll Inferiority fished out a news reporter and a cameraman with a camera and dragged them to the direction of where Homura was taking Kaede. The other Clara Dolls followed after it.

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