Chapter 39: Your Obedient Servant™

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"Guys!", Nagisa beamed at them. "Which hero would you intern for!?"

Izuku frowned and gave a nervous glance at the many hero offers he had gotten. "Umm..."

Henri was turning the parchment containing his own offers and sweatdropped. "I don't know which I should intern for, yet..."

"Hey, it's the same for me", the bluenette shrugged as he set his list down.

The brunette tapped the pen he was holding against his chin and hummed. "I thought of interning with Gunhead, though. Maybe I could learn some useful fighting moves while I'm with him...?"

Ochako suddenly popped up and grinned at him. "Hey, that's where I'm interning, too!"

"Well, what a coincidence!"

Izuku had to look away as the two of them smiled at each other cheerfully. Nagisa closed his eyes and grunted. "How are they practically being the absolute embodiment of the sun!?"

Ochako and Henri didn't notice the other two's conflicted expressions and kept smiling at each other excitedly while holding each other's hands.

"Maybe we could even do witch hunts together!"

"And learn how to combine our quirks and magic, too!"

Shouto fondly watched them for a moment, before standing up and walked towards the door.

Momo noticed him and asked. "Have you chosen your hero agency, Shouto?"

Henri and Ochako stopped and turned to the heterochromatic teen with curiousity written of their faces. The others stopped and looked at him, too.

Shouto shrugged and turned to the door with his application form filled out. "Yes. I'm interning for Ende--"

Suddenly, All Might slid right in front of the door of the class the moment the heterochromatic teen opened the door, in a bowing position. "I am here! In a bizarre position!"

"You look weird, ribbit", Tsuyu bluntly spoke, as Shouto literally jumped 3 feet high.

Izuku was caught off guard by his sudden appearance. "A-All Might!?"

"Ah, Young Midoriya, come with me for a moment", All Might grinned. "You two as well, Young Shiota and Young Hikari!"

"Call me Nagisa, okay?", the bluenette sweatdropped as he grabbed Henri's hand and followed Izuku out of the class.

The rest of them exchanged lools once the door closed.

"You don't think", Momo frowned. "All Might knows, does he?"
"Well, Ochako's still here...", Tsuyu gestured to the Zero Gravity quirk user as Ochako started to walk towards them.


The trio was led towards the teacher's lounge, where All Might stopped and explained. "Getting straight to the point; you three just got an offer from a hero!"

"Eh!? But we already have offers!", the three of them chorused.

All Might shook his head and gave a big grin and a thumbs up. "I mean, you got an offer from someone I know!"

The three of them blinked up at him.

"Someone you know, All Might!?", Izuku was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Yes!", the Symbol of Peace gave a thumbs up. "The hero's name is Gran Torino. He was a teacher at U.A for only one year, and he was my homeroom teacher!"

"Your homeroom teacher!?", Henri gasped. "This is truly an honor!"

"If you're telling us this...", Nagisa squinted his eyes at him. "Then, does he know about One For All as well?"

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