Chapter 77: Fingers Crossed

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Inko didn't mean to eavesdrop.

Really, she didn't. Her baby was growing up already, and she knew how much teens value privacy from adults, especially when they're together with each other.

However, when Izuku, along with Henri, Shouto, Adette, Katsuki, Nagisa, Momo, Jirou, Eijirou, Tenya, Tokoyami, Mina and Shinsou came in with serious expressions while guiding a purple-headed girl who looked like she was 18 inside, she had a feeling that this is probably something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Unfortunately, Inko was right about that.

"The first you'll want to get is the Olympian Bronze to gain access to Avalon's security and get the sacred Silver of the Lady of the Lake", Inko heard the woman, named Cassie, explained while they all lounged in the living room. "Otherwise, the magical borders of the place will go as far as to kill you all on the spot."

"Do you know how this place will do that?", Shouto's voice was heard inquiring.

"Unfortunately...I don't. But I've witnessed countless people attempting to go without the bronze in their possession. And let me tell you; I never heard from or saw them ever since."

Silence settled in. Inko started to sweat, and she had to pause from chopping the vegetables to calm herself down. Is this what they really have to risk themselves for...?

"Alright", Henri gently spoke up. "So, what do we have to do to get the Olympian Bronze, Cassie-san?"

The Midoriya matriarch sensed great edge and hesitancy on Cassie's tone as the woman started. "Do you know anything about...the Necromanteion?"

"Necromanteion?", most of the teens there repeated in question.

Cassie winced. "Oh. I was hoping you already have an idea on it..."

"I-I think I do have a hunch", Izuku piped in. "The's from the Greek Myths, right? I think it''s the entrance to the Land of The Dead? T-the house of Hades, I think?"

A sigh. Inko took a peek and saw that Cassie's face is clearly distraught. "You got it. all sure that you're all willing to go through with this? You probably won't be the same people you once were after."

Inko shared her concern as well. If this situation is really that grievous, they shouldn't go through with least, not alone...

"Well, Walpurgisnatcht's coming in quick, right? This could be useful arsenal against her", Adette reasoned out.

"Plus, we really want to save our friends from the Black Swan Gold's hold", Henri was seen twirling a lock of his hair nervously. "And stop that villain from...whatever scheme he's planning..."

"It's not like we didn't change these past few months, too", Nagisa shrugged, snuggling in with Katsuki in the couch as he stared at Cassie. "We assure you, none of us are exactly what we used to be before, so what harm would it do when we change again?"

"We could lose ourselves and go insane, you know", Tokoyami suggested.

Nagisa softly kicked him in the back for all his trouble.

"Please, Cassie-san", Izuku pleaded, with Ochako holding on to his shoulder as a form of reassurance. "We want to help our friends and family in any way we can."

Cassie stared at them, before sighing again. "Very well."

They all smiled--

" are all still minors", Cassie cut off, suddenly turning to Inko as if she knew she was listening the entire time. "I'll have to need parental consent for this."

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