Chapter 57: Cor Destructum (Part 2)

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Hitoshi blinked open his eyes to the pounding pain in his head. Next to him, Genie or Kokoro, got her head stuck on the ground.

The insomniac blinked. Wait, what?

Kokoro was frantically trying to pull herself off while screeching. Hitoshi shot up, and tried to pull her off.

Near them, Kyoko was coughing up dust. "I thought he was well-educated on the quirk usage is illegal rule?!"

"He is!", Sayaka heaved a breath and struggled to stand up while using her sword as a support. "But he's a witch now; he probably won't remember it, and if he did, he wouldn't care!"

Hitoshi struggled to pull Kokoro out further. Come on...!

The room had been relatively unharmed after Henri unleashed that massive wind attack that sent them off their feet literally, and it even extended to the size of a mansion lobby. The doors, screens and furniture had magically disappeared, too.

Seriously, if he didn't know any better, Shinsou would say the room belonged to one of the two local godesses around here.

With one massive pull, he successfully pulled his sister out. As a consequence, though, the two of them got launched towards the ground with a groan.

"Thanks, bro", Kokoro weakly smiled.

"Don't mention it", Hitoshi grunted and turned to the side.

His eyes widened. "HOLY ****--"

Madoka, in her Magical Girl form, swept the two of them away, as the spot where they'd once been was struck by lightning.

The pink-haired heroine set them down beside Ochako and Shouto in their respective Magical Girl and Boy forms inside a hiding spot Homura created, and asked them worriedly. "Are you two okay?"

The Shinsou siblings frantically nodded.

Homura, in her Magical Girl form, too, set down beside Madoka and gave her a scolding stare. "I told you I should have destroyed his soul gem. Now, look where we are."

Madoka sweatdropped. "Homura..."

Sayaka set down between the two and pat Homura on her back. "Yeah, yeah, we get it. This is why you're her girlfriend."

The black-haired heroine motioned to strangle her for all the trouble.

Hitoshi's eyebrow raised. "That's gay."

Kokoro rolled her eyes. "You're gay."

"Don't pull that card on me."

"You're the one that started it."

Momo, Mina and Tooru ran towards them while being chased by a widening crack on the ground. Now that they saw it, they noticed that the ground was shaking, too.

Kokoro shrieked as the three girls dove towards them. The crack went through and passed by without harming any of them.

The earthquake still went on, though.

"Henri's gone nuclear, you guys!", Tooru waved her arms around in a panic.

"Isn't it obvious?", Hitoshi narrowed his eyes at her. Sayaka facepalmed.

Kokoro felt brave enough to peek on the makeshift bed while they talked. Her eyes widened.

Henri seemed to be floating now, though she doesn't know if this is from him being a witch or if it's from his quirk.

His Crimson Red eyes glinted menacingly in the shadows, while his hair levitated and swayed back and forth, as if assisted by an invisible wind.

His soul gem visibly darkened even more, even at the distance she's in.

Come To Your Senses (BNHA FANFICTION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora