Chapter 66: From Now On

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"Hermea-san!", Nagisa barged in with a smile on his face as he approached the counter of Mami's Bakery. Mami was stationed there, tending to the new pastries. "Do you have some cupcakes?"

"We certainly do, Nagisa", Mami giggled as she fished out a whole stack of blue and red cupcakes from the side. "What color do you want for the icing?"

"Would it be okay if they're green and blue?"

"Why, of course! What flavor do you want the cupcakes to have?"

"Chocolate, please!", Nagisa raised his index finger while giggling. "And can we have them later in the day? My best friends are busy, and I doubt they'll be up to eating them around this time."

Mami laughed. "You can count on me!"

"Thank you, Hermea-san!"

The bluenette turned to leave--

Nagisa noticed Adette on one of the tables inside the bakery. Homura was there beside her.

"Hey, Adette!", the bluenette happily gave a greeting.

Adette turned to him and raised her hand up hesitantly with a wobbly smile. "Hey, Bluefish."

Nagisa froze instantly. B-BLUEFISH!?

Beside him, Sayaka howled with laughter and fell off her chair. "OH MY--AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Homura's eyes widened. "This unexpected turn of events."

Before any of them knew it, Adette suddenly pinned Homura to the ground and was trying to stab her throat with an ice pick.

The black-haired heroine was calmly stopping her attempt with her right arm as the blonde screamed. "Change me back to normal, darn it!"

"Not until you call me Homura-sensei in your own terms."

"Like hell I would!"

Nagisa was utterly confused. What's happening? Yesterday at the mall, they seemed to be fine together...and Homura-sensei? What?

As if reading his mind, Kyoko put a hand on his back reassuringly and explained. "Homura told Adette yesterday that she wanted to teach her something about her quirk. They'd started yesterday night, too."


That explained the sensei part, at least.

"But what about...", Nagisa gestured to his classmate trying to kill the heroine. "That?"

Madoka sighed nearby and interjected. "That's because Homura tried on a spell on her to make Scheiner call her Homura-sensei just for the heck of it. However, it seemed to extend to other people as well."

As if to put emphasis on that, Adette barked at Sayaka. "Stop laughing, Mozart!"

Sayaka's laughter became louder. Mami shook her head fondly. "Oh, dear."

Nagisa sweatdropped. This is really a weird development.

Then, a thought struck him. Why is my nickname Bluefish, though?


"Okay, so let me get this straight", Tokoyami pinched the bridge of his nose--err, beak in exasperation as they sat on the lounge. "You four blew up an entire street and two cars while trying to get here?"

"Let me just say, from the bottom of my heart", Genie took a deep breath, before mockingly grinning. "My bad."

Crystalline whacked her over the head. "Be sincere for once, you sorry excuse of a leader."

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