Chapter 80: What You Need

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"Oh, my darling kids! You made it!"

Just hearing that voice made Adette want to hit something. With a baseball bat. Violently.

They were standing in front of a beautiful woman with two other people, one with Honey Blonde hair and a gold chiton, and another one with a Hawaiian shirt and Raven Black hair, sitting in a table, and in all honesty, the other people were fine.

However, the woman certainly is not.

She had wavy chest-length Chestnut Red hair that fell over her shoulders, which bounced in every movement she made rather gracefully.

She also had eyes that turn from red, to green, to blue, getting more and more beautiful as time passes by. The same with the features of her face, too, moving from one glamorous movie star to another.

Everything about her seemed calculated to make Adette feel inadequate; the easy grace she wore her midnight lace dress, the perfect yet understated makeup, and the way she gave off a feminine charm that no man could possibly resist...

But she knew that this person was making her feel this way. She had this experience before, because she met this woman in the past timelines.

She recognized her, despite her face becoming more and more beautiful. And she hated it.

"Aphrodite", Adette acknowledged, just so they can get this over with.

Momo looked at her. "Venus?"

Mina's eye twitched. "The goddess of love, right?"

"Yep", the blonde snipped, turning to look at Henri beside her. His face was scrunched up, as if not believing what he was seeing in front of him, but his cheeks were still dusted with a bit of pink.

Adette sighed miserably again.

The rest of them either shifted uncomfortably, hid behind each other, or just stared blankly at the three people in front of them.

"Don't just stand there", the woman, Aphrodite giggled and spread her arms like she wanted a group hug. "Sit! We have so much to talk about!"

Shouto, Henri and Nagisa looked at each other tensely, as did the others. Should we...?

"Well, if she's a g-goddess, then the other two must be gods, too, right?", Izuku prompted nervously. "So, it would be rude to just deny their company..."

They all stared back at him blankly. Izuku ended up shifting awkwardly on his feet.

"He's right", Henri decided, turning to face the three people in the table. "It's best if we just do what they want. We're in the trials they made for us, after all."

Nobody could argue with that.

So, they took a spot in the chairs all around the table and sat down silently. Katsuki tried is best to stop himself from snapping, and he was a but thankful that Nagisa was with him.

In all honesty, Aphrodite's honestly driving them all crazy. Whether intentionally or not, they don't know.

"I'm so glad you're all here and in one piece!", Aphrodite smiled in joy. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So, there's really only one thing to do."

"And...that is...?", Tenya ventured, mouth put in a thin line.

"Why, have tea and chat, obviously! How are the trials so far?"

Majority of the group sighed tiredly. Oh boy...


"What have you found?", Mr. Matsuo prompted to the disciple of his at the other side of the screen.

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