Let me see her

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"Sweetheart, your girlfriend is in critical condition." The lady told me.

My headache started getting worse, I groan in pain as the ambulance sped down the street.

When we got to the hospital I was wheeled into a room where a bunch of doctors was starting to fill in the room. I had tubes attached to my body, an IV was attached to my arm, and my clothes were cut off my body. The room was getting blurry and my head was spinning,

"My head," I groaned trying to cover my eyes with my hands.

Once everything was settled out with me it turns out I had a concussion, a broken leg, and a broken arm.

"Where's my girlfriend," I said panicking trying to look around the room for her.

"Sir it's ok, she's being checked out herself." The doctor said.

I looked up at the ceiling for what felt like hours waiting for someone to tell me anything about Dakota.

"Luke honey what happened?" My mom said walking into the room.

I told her how we just were going to the store to get drinks and snacks and how the 16-wheeler just rammed into us.

"No one's telling me about Dakota mom!" I said beginning to get frustrated.

"Luke honey it's ok I'll go check," She said kissing my forehead and walking out of the room.

A few minutes pass and she walks back in.

"Luke..." She says walking in

"What's happening?" I said

"She's in surgery right now, the doctors that looked at her earlier she does have some serious injuries. Luke, you're lucky you two are alive," She says

"I know mom, it wasn't my fault, you can see the security cameras. My light was green and theirs was red you can check the cameras." I said

"Luke I know, I trust your driving skills, I'm just reminding you about how lucky you guys are."

"When can I see Dakota?" I ask

"I don't know bud," She said stroking my hair.

"Why's no one telling me anything," I cried

"Luke it's gonna be ok, I'm sure when she gets out of surgery they'll let you see her," She tells me

My mom waited in my room until more doctors came in.

"Mrs. Walters, your son is gonna have to stay here overnight." She tells my mom, she then looks at me "I understand your girlfriend is also here too,"

"Yea she is," I respond immediately

"Well good news she's out of surgery and responsive, not so good news she's got a few serious injuries but if she stays calm and isn't active she is able to make a full recovery." The nurse tells me.

"Can I see her?" I ask tearing up

"Unfortunately she's already in a full room but I can try and get her bed wheeled in here if you would like," She suggests

She leaves the room and walks down the hall, soon Dakota was being wheeled into my room. I hadn't seen her face since the accident, her face was bruised and covered with cuts and bruises.

"Can we put the beds as close as possible?" I asked unable to take my eyes off her

"Luke be lucky they got her in here," My mom snaps

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said apologizing

"It's ok sweetheart, I'll gladly put the beds together," A nurse in her mid 50's said looking at me with a warm smile

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