Parting ways

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Luke continued to watch the game on the TV and I kept holding onto him as tight as I was when he first sat beside me. 

"Are you nervous about something?" He asked 

I nodded, "I'm tired of always being hurt." 

"Yeah, that is understandable." 

"I don't want to leave you." 

He looked back down at me, "Where am I going?" 

"What if I get hurt again and I'm not conscious, and I can't do anything." 

"You'll know I'll always be here." 

I looked up at him and nodded, "No I wouldn't know, I didn't know before." 

He looked stumped, "You aren't going to get hurt like that again, but if that does happen when you wake up I'll be the first person you'll see." 

"What if I don't wake up." 

"You will always wake up," He said sternly. 

I nodded and went back to looking at the TV. 

"I know you're scared Dakota, but I don't know what to say. I just hope this is the last time you get hurt like this." 

"I think it will be, I'll be more aware of my surroundings," I nodded. "I just want a normal life now." 

"We just have to speak it into existence." 

-The next day- 

The doctor let me go home the next morning, I still couldn't walk far but I was able to move all of my limbs like normal. Most of my time was spent in the living room with whoever chose to be in there as well, it was mainly my grandparents and Luke. Molly and Mrs. Walters loved exploring the state and it felt like they were on a different adventure every day. But it was coming time for them to go back to California, 

"Mom why can't I just be homeschooled," Luke asked when she broke the news. 

"Because you do fine in school." 

"No, I need help, in math and science." 

"Then I'll get you a tutor." 

"Dakota said she could help me," He said pointing at me. 

'Hey don't put me in the middle of this'

"I can help you when I get home, or over Facetime." 

"You don't even know when you are coming home." 

I stayed quiet because this was true. 

"Luke you have a month and a half left of school, you can't miss anymore." 

Luke looked over at me and I just nodded solemnly. 

I went upstairs with him to help him get some stuff together. 

"I hope the flight gets canceled," he muttered. "Why would she tell me a day before we are leaving." 

I just stayed silent and watched him pace around the room. 

He plopped himself on the bed, "What if I just dropped out myself?" 

"No are you crazy," I replied instantly. 

"What do you mean, I'd be able to stay here." 

"I thought you wanted to play sports in college." 

"I do." 

"So how are you going to do that if you drop out?" 

"I didn't think that far, what if I just transferred somewhere here." 

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