Chapter 21

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Twins. A big smile grew on my face as I looked down at my growing tummy. I glanced over at Lou. He looked shocked, but then grinned a smile a mile wide. He squeezed my hand and leaned in and kissed me.

"You're going to be the best mother ever," He said smiling through the kiss.

"I hope so. You are going to be the best dad ever." I took a deep breathe, taking everything in. Twinps!

We thanked the doctor, and went off back to our place. In the car, I lifted my shirt, admiring my belly. My hands wrapped around it protectively.

"I am never going to let anything happen to you guys. I love you so much." Louis reached over and put his hand on my belly. I forgot he was there for a minute. I looked up, and we made eye contact.

"I love you," He said simply. It's funny how after all this time being together I still get butterflies hearing his voice.

"And I love you," I smiled, linking my fingers with his.

A few hours later, I woke up from a nap to my phone ringing. Not bothering to check who it was, I answered.

"Hey babe," Zayn's voice said. Hmm weird. Not that Zayn and I don't talk, but we don't really call each other too much.

"What's up?" I asked. He laughed on the other line.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me. The baby is coming soon, so I just wanted to chill before you're a mom and everything." I yawned.

"Sure. What time is it?"

"Three thirty. I'll pick you up at four."

"Alright." I replied, but he had already Hung up.

"Who was that?" Lou's husky voice said.

"Zayn. He just wanted to hang out." I replied, climbing out of bed.

"Alright," He said, collapsing back into bed.

I went into the bathroom and started a shower. Before getting in, I glanced at myself in the mirror. My face was, well, nothing special. Wow, my boobs were getting bigger. My stomache was getting bigger, and surprisingly, I wasnt alarmed. I didn't look fat, I looked pregnant. I still haven't told my parents, although they probably won't care. Tears started to form in my eyes. I know it still shouldn't bother me, but it does. Happy thoughts, I told myself as I got into the shower.

Soon after, I got out and made my way back to the bedroom. I tossed my towel on the ground as I got dressed. Louis was still sleeping in the bed so I was quiet. I hate when girls are too scared to change in front of their boyfriend. It's just like, its nothing they haven't seen before. Soon enough, four o'clock came and Zayn was knocking at my door. I opened the door and gave him a huge hug. He was surprised at first, but then returned it.

"I missed you," I said. He playfully smirked.

"Wish I could say the same."

"Hey!" I explained, punching him in the arm. He chuckled.

"Kidding,love. Be careful, you might hurt the baby." I smiled, remembering todays ultrasound.

"Babies," I corrected him. His eyes went wide, as he smiled and pulled me in for another hug.

"Congratulations," He said, smiling.

"Thank you," I said, and we made our way to the car. Once we got in, he turned to me from the drivers side.

"Want to just catch a coffee, and have a chat?" He offered. I smiled. That sounded great. I nodded and we went off. I turned the radio, and Lana Del Rey's Born To Die was on. I immediately started singing it. Zayn laughed, as I was, well, completely jamming out to the song. I laughed along with him. One thing that I had to learn to do was laugh at myself once in awhile. Once we got to Starbucks, we grabbed mochas and sat on a table outside.

"So how have you been?" I asked. He shrugged. I gave him a look to go on.

He sighed. "We've just been so busy with Take Me Home Stuff. It's exhausting. I was dating this girl, Kayla. She was just great. But I haven't had time for her. I mean, I want to don't get me wrong but I'm so busy. my career comes first, ya know?" I nodded understanding.

"How are you?" He asked me. Here we go again.

"I'm fine," I said, forcing myself to smile. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let's try this again. How are you really doing?" I sighed, knowing I'd lost.

"I'm scared. I'm scared I'm going to he an awful mother. I am always paranoid Lou is going to see how much of a loser I am and leave me. I want to cut so bad. I do. But I won't. I'm not bringing the babies into all of that. That would be selfish. I'm eating a lot. I feel so gross when I eat, but I do. I dont think I look fat, but I look pregnant. So starving isn't really an issue. It's just overwhelming, you know?" I took a breath. Zayn sat there for a minute, taking in what I said.

"I understand. But you need to know you aren't alone in this. We all love you so much, and if you ever feel bad you can always come talk to me. I won't always know what to say, but I'll listen. I'll be there for you." I knew if I tried to talk, I'd cry. I nodded, and smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"You're too beautiful to cry." He said simply.

When Zayn pulled up to my flat, I sat there for a minute.

"I had a nice time, love." He said, leaning over to hug me.

"Thanks Zayn." I whispered. He smiled and nodded.

"Now go. You have an amazing boyfriend to go to. You are such a strong girl. You can do this. Stop stressing so much." I smiled at his peptalk.

"Bye Zayn." I made my way inside, to see Louis talking on the phone. He hadn't noticed I was there.

"So we'll meet at Nando's? Okay. Kay, bye." He Hung up, and turned to see me.

"Hey babe," He smiled and picked me up, twirling me around the room. I giggled and pecked him on the lips.

"How was Zayn?"

"He's good. It was nice to hang out. Who were you on the phone with?"

He smiled. "Harry. I said we had an announcement to make, so we're going to Nando's for dinner to tell them. The boys are going to meet us." I smiled and nodded.

"Alright. I told Zayn when we were out. Are we going out now?" I asked.

He nodded. " If its alright with you." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Of course its alright with me. Let's go."

In the car, Louis and I just jammed out to music. He was so great. I just loved him so much I don't even know how to express it. While we were at a red light, I looked at him.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked.

"I should be asking that, not you,love." He smiled, and kissed me. I smirked, and deepened our kiss. Right when we seperated, I opened my eyes to see a huge truck coming right to us. Everything went black when it slammed our car. The last thing I heard was Louis calling out to me, asking if I was okay.

a/n ohmygod! so what do you guys think? please leave a comment or vote if you like it. it really means a lot to me. sorry if I haven't updated in a while. I've been going thru sine stuff

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