Chapter 2

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"Are you all ready to leave, love?" Louis askes, coming over to me. I cannot believe I'm letting him take me to my apartment. This is ridiculous. He is ridiculous. Even with his gorgous hair, and deep blue-green eyes. And don't let me get started on his hai- wait, shut up Harmony, I told myself. No attachments. Remember what happened last time? I looked up to see Louis smirking at me. What the hell? He walked over and smiled.

"Love, I know I'm gorgous," He winked. Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did. Now lets go babe," He winked again. Great, now he thinks I fancy him!. Well, I kinda do, but I can't!  I can't get hurt again. Not after what happened with Liam. I reached over to grab my bags but Louis beat me to it. Seriously? This is not necessary. As he carried my bag I couldn't help but notice is strong muscles. Damn! He led the way to an orange Porche. I raised my eyebrows.

"Really? Orange?," I said unimpressed. He looked taken aback that I wasn't swooning over his expensive car. I'm sure he was expecting a totally different comment.

"Carrots," He replied. Okay, now I was the one confused. I gave him a look to go on. " Carrots are orange, I love carrots. Therefore, I got an orange car."

Oh my god. This guy is a freak. Yet I'm getting in his car.  Louis smiled at me, and butterflies just rushed in my stomache. I hadn't had this feeling in a long time. Wait, no I can't! 

"So you're doctor said you had to take it easy the next couple days," Louis started, pulling out of the parking lot. "so you're going to be spending the next couple days with me and the boys." 

"Boys? What boys? And I just met you, how do you expect me to live with you for a couple days? How do I know you're not kidnapping me?" A million questions and scenarios just rushed through my head. Haha, its funny how my whole life I didn't really care if anything happened to me and now all of a sudden I'm flipping out over going to a hot guys house. 

"Shh love, calm down. I'm just worried about you, and I want to help you get better since it's partly my fault. So I'm going to help you recover, and the lads agree," He said reassuringly. I don't understand why he wants to do this. It's just a few bruised ribs. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I've been doing it the past eighteen years. 

"Who are 'the lads'?" I asked impatiently. "Your band mates or something?" Now he was very surprised.

"You know I'm famous?" He asked, shocked. Is he slow or something? I just said that.

"Duh, like the whole world knows. What, you thought I'd scream and be so very excited that Louis Tomlinson crashed into my car, bruised my ribs, and is now kidnapping me and taking me to his house?" I said. He started laughing. I smiled too, proud of my come back. Pretty soon, we were both cracking up over nothing. After awhile, the laughter died out, tears still in our eyes. Louis isn't so bad after all. I expected him to be cocky, arrogant, and full of himself. Well, he sure is confident. 

"So you really don't mind staying with me for a few days? I would really love it if you did, and the lads want to meet you!" He smiled a real, genuine smile. I started to tell him to drop me off at my own house when something stopped me. Oh god, he's making puppy eyes. No, I told myself, say no. Do not get attached. Well, I really shouln't, but look at him! So innocent and adorable! 

"Fine," I mutter.

"What was that, love?" He smirked, knowing he'd won this time. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll stay with you. Just for a couple days." I said sternly. He nodded, and smiled again.

"YAY SLEEPOVER!!!" He exclaimed, hugging me tightlly with one arm, as he turned the wheel of his car into the driveway of a house. It was pretty big, actually. Almost as big as mine. Even though only my parents and I lived in the house, there were a lot of staff that stayed here (maids, butlers, ect.). I looked at Louis, who was squirming in his seat from excitement. God, he was like a little kid on Christmas. He lead  me into the mansion to see three attractive boys. One of them with curly hair winked at me, while one with blonde hair elbowed the other one next to him, smiling.

"Ello, love. I'm Harry," The winker said. He was cute, with brown curly hair and green orbs of eyes. I turned to another one, the one with blonde hair.

"I'm Niall," He said cheekily.  I nodded and turned to the last boy, who had dark hair, eyes, and skin. He was wearing some sort of letterman jacket. What, are we back in high school? Well, I shouldn't be talking since I just graduated. 

"Hey babe, my names Zayn," He smiled. I tried to smile back but this was overwhelming. Louis came over and started talking.

"Daddy direction is out on a date with Danielle, his girlfriend. So he should be back later tonight. Or tomorrow morning," He added with a wink. I tried so hard not to blush at that. We all stood there for a few moments, not saying anything. 

"Can you show me where I'll be staying?" I asked. They all looked at each other, surprised.

"We, uh, never thought about that," The blonde one, Niall, said. Louis thought hard, while I just stood there awkwardly. I was about to suggest me going home, when Harry started talking.

"Babe, you can stay in my-"

"No," Louis said too quickly. "She'll stay in my room. I can stay on the couch." I was about to refuse, when he interupted my thoughts, knowing what I was about to say. "No arguing, you're staying in my room and thats that." Well then. Harry nodded, and Zayn smiled, saying

"Get it Louis, you haven't had a girl in your bed for while." Harry and Niall burst out laughing while blushes crept on both Louis and I's faces. This is going to be a long couple days, I thought.

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