Chapter 16

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Everything just rushed through my head. I was so overwhelmed. First I find out Brittany is my sister, then I find out I'm a failed abortion, and now she's pregnant with my boyfriends baby. What the actual fuck. We were still standing in the kitchen as she smirked at us. 

"Can you really get pregnant from only sleeping together once?" I asked softly, breaking the silence. She laughed and looked at me, narrowing her eyes. 

"Do you really think we only did it once?" She said, her face smiling evilly at me. My eyes widened and I looked over at Louis, who had a pained expression on his face. If they had sex once I guess I would understand, considering the situation, but more than once? Tears started to fill my eyes once again, but I was all of a sudden so angry at her. 

"How dare you come sleep with my boyfriend, blackmail him, and get pregnant knowing you were my sister! What kind of sick person are you? Are you really that desperate that you need to get with my boyfriend. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised. Because you are a rude, ugly, skany slut. I'm not surprised that you can't get a boyfriend on your own. Get out of my house and out of my life, because you are unwanted." Her eyes went from glaring to hurt in a matter of seconds. Louis looked surprised at what I said, and cautious of Brittany. She started walking out, but stopped and glared at me through her tears. 

"Fine. I guess you'll find out why I'm here the hard way. Louis, I'll call you later babe okay?" She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He just stood there, not kissing back but not pulling away. Is this bitch trying to get hit? And how dare Louis! He declares he wants me back and now he's kissing my sister in front of me? I need to get out of here. Without grabbing my keys or coat, I just sprint out of the room. 

"Harmony, love!" Louis called, trying to catch up with me. But I was too fast. I ran as fast as I could. I needed my best friends. I got to Niall's house in record time and knocked impatiently on the door. Seeing as all the boys were there, Harry answered. His bright green eyes widened in surprise. 

"Love, what happened?" He asked, embracing me into a warm hug. I looked up at him, seeing his concerned face. Not being able to talk, I walked into the living area where everyone was sitting. Everyone's smiling and laughing faces dissapeared as they looked up at me. 

"Love, what's wrong?"  Niall asked, worried. He came over quickly and sat me next to him. 

"She won't talk." Harry said quietly. I finally looked around to see everybody staring at me with worried faces. 

"No offense, but you look like a mess." Natalie stated. Everybody gave her a look as if to say "Are you crazy?" but I smiled. We had promised each other ages ago to always be honest and tell each other when we look like crap. I cleared my throat, and everybody expectantly waited for me to answer. Thinking about what just happened, my eyes filled with tears. 

"Louis.." I started to say, but I chocked up a sob. Harry put his arms around me comfortingly.

"Shhh it's okay, love," He soothed me, gently rubbing my back. I was just so confused. What was going on? Why was my long lost sister trying to ruin my life? Why was Louis letting her? Did he know how much he was hurting me? I cried and cried into Harry's chest while everybody was alerted, not knowing what to say. 

"I'll take her upstairs to get her changed, and get her into bed." Harry said, getting up. Since I was practically latched onto him, I got up with him. He snaked his arms around my waist gently. Not in an intimate way, but as if he was ready to hold me up if I fell. I was so lucky to have Harry as a friend. He was always there for me. He was literally my shoulder to cry on. He brought me into his bedroom, handing me a tshirt to change into. I was soaked in rain, since I'd ran here. I slowly changed into it, not even caring he was right next to me. He cautiously followed me as I just fell right into the bed. He layed next to me, putting his arms protectivly around my waist once again. We fell into a comfortable silence. 

"So what happened?" he asked after a while. I sighed and told him. I explained everything, from Brittany being my sister, to her just kissing him in my house. He sat there in shock. 

"I can't believe Louis would do that." He stated, getting up out of the bed. 

"Where are you going?" I said, trying to protect myself from the cold air he let in when he took off the blanket. 

"I'm calling Lou! I cannot believe he would do this! There must be an explanation!" He grabbed his phone, grumbling to himself as he walked out of the room. I sat there and stared at the ceiling, trying to listen to him through the walls. I heard him going downstairs, probably to go tell the boys what's going on. I don't blame him, it's a pretty insane story. They were talking in hushed voices until he came back upstairs. He went into the room next to this one. Zayn's, probably. I could hear him trying to keep his voice low, but it kept rising as he yelled at Louis. I couldn't really make out what he was saying until the last part. 

"Louis, you better not break her anymore. I love this girl, and if you aren't going to be there for her then I will." He hung up and made his way back into the bedroom. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. He got back into bed with me, and put his arms back around me. 

"You're so amazing, Harmony." He whispered. "You act like you're fine, but I know you're not. I can see right through you. But I want to be the one to go through this journey with you. I can save you, Harmony. I love you." And He went to sleep. I stayed awake, overthinking everything.

Brittany, baby, Louis, now Harry? What was I going to do? 

SO what do you think of this chapter? I'm sorry its so short! I'll update soon! pleaseleave your comments and vote pleasaaaassseeeeeeeee it means the world to me ..thanks xxx

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