Chapter 27

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Hey guys, I finally updated! I'm really sorry, I know you guys are probably all pissed at me or forgot about the story. but here you go! comment and vote if you like it! PLEASE comment what you think should happen next! thankss

"You're what?!" Natalie exclaimed. I smiled, wondering if her reaction was negative or positive. I looked down at my hands and smiled.

"We're getting married."

She was sitting next to me on the couch, and stared at nothing in particular while in deep thought. Honestly, I didn't care if she approved or not. I love Louis, and he loves me. It's that simple. Natalie snapped out of her trance and smiled at me.

"Well I'm happy for you. Just surprised!" I laughed along with her. Yes, it was a surprise.

Last night I decided to call my parents and tell them the news. I figured they had a right to know, since I was their daughter. I called my mother, and surprisingly she answered.

"Hello?" Her sharp voice echoed.

"Mom? Its me, Harmony."

"Oh, I don't have your name saved in my phone. What do you want?" She didn't have me saved in her contacts? I guess she really was done with me.

"Do you remember when I told you that I was dating Louis Tomlinson? From One Direction?"

"Yes Harmony, I see it in the tabloids every day. What about it?" She asked impatiently.

"Well we're getting married." She was silent, and I cleared my throat.

"Congradulations. I'm surprised he would want to marry you, since you can't even carry children correctly." Well. That hit a nerve. My heart started racing, and I just hung up. How dare she. But it was true. Listen, I haven't self harmed in a long time, but that doesn't mean I don't always think about it. It's always on my mind. But, I know I'm better than that.

I threw my phone and collapsed on my bed. I covered my face with my pillow and screamed as loud as I could. My parents were just so frustrating.

I looked up to see a familiar little leprechaun standing at my doorway. He was wearing his purple sweatshirt, with some jeans. He looked unsurely at me.

"Everything okay?" He asked. I sighed and gestured for him to come sit next to me. Out of all the boys, Niall is my bestest friend. Harry and I haven't talked since the incident with his hoe- I mean girlfriend.

I sighed once again.

"My parents are just really, really difficult people." I said to him. He shuffled, scuffling his eyebrows together.

"What do you mean? They're your parents." Oh Niall, still the innocent one. But I was feeling very eager to tell him. So, I did. I told him how my parents never really cared for me. How a nanny was always the one raising me. How they pressured me to model, and insulted me for not being fit for it. How they triggered my depression. How even when school was hell, I'd rather be there than home.

When I finished, Niall sat there in thought for a minute. I curiously looked at him, waiting.

"Well that's dumb."

I laughed, agreeing with him.

"Hey," He said. "At least you have us now! And a soon-to-be-husband." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Louis came in soon after and asked if he could take me somewhere.

I grabbed my stuff, and as soon as I walked out of the door I was bombarded by flashing cameras and fans.






What the fuck?! Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, as I got into the car.

"I'm really sorry," Louis apologized. "I don't know whats gotten over them." I nodded, taking his hand. I didn't feel like talking. I stared out of the window. Should we really get married? All of these fans thought Louis deserved better than me. Maybe he does. My over thinking was interrupted when Louis stopped the car at the Studio. I looked at him.

"What are we doing here?" I asked curious. He gave me a cheeky grin.

"Come on!" So we went inside and Louis got into a booth.

"Harmony, I know people are saying a lot of things about us, but they have no idea how we are. I love you so so much. I was going to sing you something else, but I think this one fits better." A melody I haven't heard before started playing, and Louis started singing as he stared into my eyes sincerely.

People say we shouldn’t be together

We're too young to know about forever

But I say they don’t know what they talk talk talkin’ about

I swayed until it was over, never breaking eye contact with Louis. When he finished I blushed, as he waited for me to reply. I nodded, breaking into a smile.

"Ditto," I said. Louis eased into a smile, and laughed.

"That's all you have to say?" He asked incredulously. I smiled and went and kissed him.

"I. Love. You," I said in between pecks.

"I can't wait til you're all mine." He mumbled.

"I already am!" I exclaimed. He laughed, giving  me a half smile.

"I just mean, like, all I can think about is how beautiful you're going to look walking down that isle. And how nervous and excited I'm going to be all at the same time."

Me too, LouBear. Me too.

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