Chapter 31

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*Louis POV*

I couldn't believe it. One of them is still alive, still here. All I could think about is the awful things Brittany is probably doing to her. Was she going to be alright? After I talked with Harmony I fled to the exit of the hospital, where her mom was waiting. She looked up at me and shove something into my arms.

"This is Brittany's information. Her phone number, her address, everything. Tell Harmony I love her." And she walked away. I looked down, deciding to go to her apartment.

It was a very bad neighborhood, where Brittany lived. I arrived at a beat up old building, and made my way to her apartment.

*knock knock*

I heard some shuffling, and there was Brittany, standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face.

"Oh hey baby," She said. "Come back for more?" She put her hand on my chest, and I pulled away disgusted.

"I know you have her, Brittany. Just give her back, okay?" Her eyes widened, but she quickly recovered.

"What's in it for me?"

"If you give her to me," I bargained. "I won't call the police. But you need to go and never come near us again." She bit her lips nervously when I mentioned the police. Now it was my turn to smirk.

"Oh, in a little trouble with the law? Wouldn't want to get convicted, would we? What's the saying? Three times and you're out? What is this? You're third charge?" I threatened. I moved towards here, and she backed up, frightened. I leaned right into her face.

"Give. Me. My. Child. Now." She nodded and fled into another room. I let myself in. As I waited I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from Harmony. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Brittany holding a gun at me. I jumped up and put my hands in the air, cautiously walking backwards.

"Brittany, don't do anything you'll regret." She scoffed.

"Why her? Why don't you love me? What does she have that I don't?" She was hysterical.

"Well for starters, she doesn't point a gun at me." She glared at me, menacingly.

"Too soon?" I started. "Listen, Brittany-" But I couldn't go on. I broke down right in front of her. Sobs came right out of me. Brittany dropped the gun, unsure of what to do. What kind of man am I? One who cries quite bloody often.

"Are you okay?" She asked unsteadily. I looked up, hiding my anger.

"I love them so much, Brittany. I just want my daughter back. I want to be able to protect them." I watched her kneel down next to me.

"You won't call the cops?" I shook  my head. She nodded and left the room. I pulled myself together until she arrived back. With an innocent little baby in her hands. My baby. My beautiful daughter. I immediately took her into my arms, holding her for the very first time. I smiled down at her and she giggled lightly, then snuggled into my chest. I looked up at Brittany.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Anything for my niece. Make sure she comes and visits her auntie." I nodded although that is no way in hell Ever going to happen. Brittany gave me her car seat and soon we were on our way. I took out my phone and dialed Harmony.

"Lou? Where are you? Are you alright?" She asked frantically. I looked at our girl, still not knowing which one she is yet, and answered Harmony.

"I got our baby girl." Harmony burst out in tears on the other line.

"Are you still at the hospital," I asked. "Because we should do some tests or something to know which one she is. I don't want to be calling her something and have her be the other one."

"I just got discharged, but I'm still here. I'll see you soon."

*Harmony's POV*

My beautiful beautiful baby is back!! Oh my god I can't even express my emotions right now. Of course I still feel guilty about the other one, but I mean one is better than none. I anxiously waited for Louis to come. Son enough, I saw him walking in, with an angel in his arms. Tears started streaming down our face, and he gently wiped them away, as he handed her over to me.

"Harmony," He whispered. "We really have a family. We're parents." I nodded, my full attention to the angel in my arms.

"Louis," I looked at him. "We made this." We admired her for a few more minutes, then went inside.

The doctor greeted us, as we are officially now are on a first- name basis.

"So can you do a blood test and find out which one she is?" I asked nervously.

"Of course. You might have to hold her down as I do it, because she'll probably cry." I nodded. He got a needed and injected it into her. She immediately started screaming and squirming.

"Shh," I soothed her. "It's okay. Mommy'll protect you. I'll never let anything happen to you."

While we were waiting for the tests to come in, we took our angel into the waiting room and played with her a little. My, she has grown up so much the couple months without her. She sat up and touched my face with her hand.

"I love you so so so much," I told her matter-of-factly. Louis wrapped one arm around my waist and touched her hair with his other.

"For a while, babe, we thought we'd lost you." We smiled silently and continued to play with her and admire her. What would happen later on is inevitable, but we have her here, now.

"Okay the tests are back. Come into my office," Doctor I-don't-know-his-name said. We followed and sat down.

"So," He started. "Say hello to your daughter, Melody." I smiled brightly. My little Melody.  Oh! Lou could make a song about her. I'm sure he would.

"Baby Melody," Louis said quietly.

"Ahh, but there's more. Isn't there always?" The doctor tried to joke but I was very serious. What else could there be?

"Harmony, you just got surgery for Ovarian Cancer, right?" I nodded, knowing where this was going.

"Well it seems that the kind of cancer you had is hereditary, meaning Melody is at risk for having it as her body develops. Now, we aren't positive yet, but you'll need to bring her back monthly until she is fully developed, just to be safe."

He left us alone, and Louis and I stared at each other silently. It was my fault that my baby was at risk for cancer. It was my fault Lana died. I was the first to break the silence, when sobs escaped my mouth. Louis rushed right over.

"Hey," He made me look at him. "She is alive. We don't even know if she's going to have it. But she. Is. Alive." He said in between kisses. I nodded, agreeing with him. She's alive.

But for how long?

asdfghjkghdsfh What do you guys think?? Argg i love them. please vote (if you like it) and comment what you think!!! Thanks lovelies.

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