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the next morning, taehyung saw the same red car at his doorstep. he smiled and opened the door to the passenger seat. he was greeted by a cute boy with a large smile. taehyung closed the door embarrassed, he had just tried to get inside a stranger's car. the car window rolled down and a familiar voice spoke, "taehyungie, get yourself inside. don't be shy". taehyung looked at jimin. so he had not tried to get inside the wrong car. someone else was in the wrong car. taehyung looked at jimin, "who is he?, why is he in my place.", taehyung whined. jimin shook his head, "he is jungkook, taehyungie, now please sit in the back seat", jimin said as his ears turned pink.

taehyung muttered an "oh" before sitting inside the car. "i am sorry for taking your seat taehyung", the younger boy appologised. "hyung", tae said coldly. "i believe, i am older than you", he stated. "sorry, hyung", jungkook apologized. jimin looked at taehyung, "it is alright tae, he is a friend" jimin said. "whatever", taehyung said fixing his eyes on the trees that ran past him outside the window.

upon their arrival at the school, the boys were greeted by the several posters on the wall, announcing the commencement of auditions for the annual school musical. jimin looked at taehyung, "it is only the beginning of the year, why are they already beginning auditions" he complained. "i heard that kim namjoon is director of the musical and he is a perfectionist." 

jungkook looked at the two, "i want to audition, will the both of you join me too", jungkook said. taehyung looked at jungkook, "no, not at all" he stated. jimin looked at junkgook with pity, "alright, we will try". taehyung's eyes widened, "you know who is going to be there. working on all the music right", taehyung bickered. "i know tae, but for how long are we going to run away from him. besides we haven't done anything wrong. we both know how much we would sacrifice to be a part of this musical. why give this opportunity away" jimin persuaded. "you are only doing this for jungkook", taehyung retorted. "i am doing this for both of us too"

jungkook had already filled the three forms.

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