Love Unlimited

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The Music has slow the movie down but there is a dead body laying inside the auditorium now and Lady RiRi took the shot and saved Lady Sweet Pea and Sir Michael. Sir Michael has ordered for the King Thriller movie to come to a sudden haunt until they can investigate something went wrong on opening night. A dead body? A woman / Who is she and why was she targeting Lady Sweet Pea 

Sir Michael holding Lady Sweet Pea while she is crying because some woman wants her husband and she is pregnant so soon after just having lil Michelob and she can't fight for her man like she wants too.

Sir Michael told the theater to play some Unlimited Love Songs until Lady Sweet Pea gets her composure back. She can't be threatening a miscarriage this is too soon and they vowed this would be thier last baby and it's a girl and they are loving her little baby nickname lil Apple short for Apollonia after Prince Purple Reighn ex-in the movie Purple Rain. Since they are at their own 1st showing of King Thriller and what a Thriller. But the instrumental love ballads are helping while half the guest have gone to the drinking lounges to retrieve a good stiff spiked egg nog. What a night and only two hours into a 4 hour movie? Guess some will have to read the 13 book volume to see what happened at the end.

It's 19 songs on this unlimited love instrumentals so after all those songs play. Sir Michael will give the command to start the King Thriller movie at the half way mark.

They knew it was something dramatic but to have to take that shot and have a dead woman laying down on the floor right near the stage and at other folks feet For all to view is quite frightening. Since the movie is about Alphas and Wolf Packs and there are some in attendance tonight to see King Thriller. But King Killer Wolf had to come out and make a showing in real life. He was prepared to protect his pregnant wife and she is beside herself right now. 

Lady RiRi and Alpha Michael Blackstone are being praised for being directly in view of the suspect and now to ID this woman and see why she was a threat to The Gold Palace in the first place. 

Moms "I need to call my son and let him know I was at the 1st Showing of King Thriller and about half way through a woman was shot and killed right in the Royal theater by another She-Wolf and her Alpha mate husband and the She-Wolf is pregnant too expecting their 1st child together they want to name the boy Blackie or The girl Lady Riata?

Lady R'riah and her husband Sir Michael The Second are expecting another baby too late spring of next year 2015 and Princess Treasure Mion got a wedding. Her Father chose one of The Soldiers of Love to be a good mate for his daughter so Queen Mother will be busy getting those plans ready by Christmas December 26th for Kwanzaa. She is not pregnant her father has the right to choose her husband as he see's fit. She will gladly keep tradition.

Lady Sweet Pea asked her darling husband if she can drink a nice cold beer for whats she's been through "Hell Yes!" 

The baby Michelob got beer poured down him and he is a handsome lil fellow with his daddy's smile and his Mother's dimples. Cute as heck!

The Coroner is checking out that body on the floor that has turn cold as ice and now is blue and blue lips and just ghostly. She is about 32 years old and she is Tall and she does have a Lou'a'vull driver's license and she was actually trying to kill Moms, Tory Travis? Is what an eaves dropper said she heard her speaking with someone on  her cellphone just right before she tried to take out her 38 snub nose with a woman's hand grip. Why she trying to kill a 77 year old woman

Sir Michael "Make sure Moms is alright and get Ty'reese Travis on the phone right now! Hurry!"

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