The She Wolf Party

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The She Wolf Party  . . . . . . 

With all the noise going on at the She Wolf Party and The Alpha Party has begun 1st Sargent Thor will take over for Sir Michael until he arrives with his Royal Court. 

Sargent Thor "Our Honorable Sir Michael has not arrived but I was ordered by him himself to stage a sword fight between I myself and Alpha Michael Blackstone Jr. an Alpha. A fight to the finish. Do you accept my duel Alpha Michael?" 

The Soldiers of Love all in their military attire of Black Fedoras and red suit coats with metals and shiny gold silky satin gold pants. All to honor their Sir Michael. He ask that they wear those gold pants, just to show off the ladies attire tonight. They all look good in those black fedoras too.

Even though the doors to The She Wolf Party are locked. Some Alphas has gone over to look in their windows from the roof top and they can see a battle is about to ensue between two werewolves. King Killer Wolf and a She Wolf? She is not his mate. So What is going on? 

Back at The Alpha Mate Party ....

Alpha Michael Blackstone Jr. "I will accept the duel to the finish ." as he and 1st Sargent Thor 

1st Sargent Thor "I shall accept your duel the fight to the finish and that is a fact of the matter at hand"

The Soldiers of love get the two brave men ready for battle and for their fight to the finish and may the best man win. But Sir Michael is not there but Sir Michael The Second is and his brothers Prince Jackson Jr. and Blanket Jackson Jr. and one day Prince Michelob 'Mickey' Jackson will join them along side their partners. 

Sir Michael The Second "I will take over for my Father Sir Michael " as the two fighters prepare for battle with the winner getting a romp in the hay with little Susie. She already belongs to 1st Sargent Thor as his bed warmer. So Alpha Michael has never met her. He won't see her if he does not win this battle between him and a Soldier of Love. We already know who is going to lose. 

The two parties started off with a bang of things. Awerewolf fight and an Alpha fight. It's for the entertainment then the drinking and smoking the peace pipe takes place as The Black Hawk Indians has been invited to settle the score with some bad werewolves and their she-wolves.

This about to get even more uglier...

The two duel fighters are sharp swordsmen and one is trained by Sir Michael, the greatest swordsman ever lived. He should be here to see his man in action

yet he is somewhere else entertaining the She-wolves for his dangerous wife and her girl squad. They are loving the excitement of having an Alpha attend their party and a Top Alpha at that. 

The Battle of The Duels is about to start...

The swords are sharpened and they are chosen by each fighter and they now are back to back to take their ten paces. First with their magnumns loaded with silver bullets just for the excitement? How much excitement they want in one night. 

The Soldiers of Love on one side and The Dog Pound Wolf Pack on the other side and The Royal Nation Wolf Pack along the throne coranation table where Sir Michael would be sitting with them, if he was in attendance.

The two men must stand there like that until Sir Michael The Second gives his final order to begin 

He knows his Father is at The She Wolf Party so the Alpha Party will just have to wait for him to come because he would not want to miss this for the world . To watch his man cut bruise and enjoy a fighter from The Dog Pound Wolf Pack beg for mercy. Beg for his life Beg to be able to love on a woman again and to claim the prize to have a romp in the bedroom with a sweet tender bed warmer. Let them wait for Sir Michael the Top Alpha at The Gold Palace 

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