In The Heat Of Passion and In The Heat Of The Night

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In The Heat Of Passion and In The Heat Of The Night

They can hear the mating of the wolf call and they also can hear the chasing of scared humans, finally finding out that it is some real zombies chasing them, Especially after they get bitten. That bite felt like a sharkiesha bite not a bite from a baby kitten. They runnin for their lives as Lady Sweet Pea and Doc Hollywood are amused at the real live entertainment. The blood looks real too. The hostest with the mostest. Mistresses Echo Diva and Madame Dame Maria throw a mean shing-ding for the King!

Sir Michael "So have you anything to say about those two having fun? Its Hallow-Scream I'm sure she has screamed enough as it is" he snicked and chucked and she giggled and smirked 

Sweet Pea "Honey, the kids still got over 10,000 children runnin around at the old Mansion on 100 Carolwood Drive. I know the neighbors are sorry we ever bought that Mansion. The noise code is above a whisper over there"

Sir Michael "Oh heck the wolves barked louder then that for heavens sakes" he kissed his woman and they cuddled and she is hungry again? Eatin for two is so good

Sweet Pea "Honey I need food This baby panther I am carrying like food"

He had Loonie and Tipsy take over for Echo Diva and Madame Maria 

Sir Michael "Where you two been? I have not seen you a month since Sunday" he was right they were in his Mansion years ago trying to get his autograph and he had to hired them to get rid of them. That is some logic.

Tipsy "Yes Your Royal Highness?"

they both ready to wait on his pregnant wife and him too

Sir Michael "Bring Food and lots of it She eats like a horse of course"

They ran to go get some treats. Sweets and good grilled meats and veggies and some whip cream on some lime jello. She likes her lemon cake batter as well They already knew that too? They know everything then Because she does love lemon cake batter when she craves while carrying.

The two are back with that much craved after lemon cake batter. She grabs that first? What about some real food like those White Castle hamburgers? And those golden ionion rings. Its what you crave

Sir Michael "You happy now my love"as Sweet Pea smears lemon cake batter all over his moth and they lip lock to get it off. Its all good Yes, the Hallow-Scream is a huge success and Halloween not here yet. They just getting started? What else they want to happen. because runnin from zombies brought back from the dead is quite entertaining and letting an Alpha go jump his mates bones is also so rewarding.

Honey. Shamone darling doll let's go and have a dance"

Sweet Pea "So we can be in the center of werewolves ripping each other throats out?" Yes she would dance with her man anywhere anytime. Even at a Werewolf meat factory. Where they got the best deer pork shops. Center cut and Lamb chops and even human thigh bones for duck soup? Yuck!

They are dancing and holding each other, while two real zombies tried to grabbed at Sweet Pea. Sir Michael took out his shiny silver sword and kindly chopped off his already falling off dead hand. How gross!

"Honey, I can not believe these zombies don't recognize you from Thriller?" she looked shocked as well

Sir Michael "They know me but move your meat and lose your seat. When you snooze you lose. They think I am Billy Brickhead Boo Boo The Fool and Eddie Spaghetti"

They danced and he twirled his baby bump around and she became light headed from the night crisp air and the smell of his Tom Ford cologne and her favorite Ombre Rose mixed with his aroma made a special scent for little Michelob coming into the world in seven weeks 

He was made in the heat of passion in the heat of the night. They knew she would be expecting going on their winter holiday to Paris and and all the cold cozy spots makes for good loving. Even in Chicago. He wrote a song about.

"I met her on the way to Chicago."

"She said she did not have no man raise the children the best she can. She lied to me she lied to him said she had a family"

Sir Michael "See babe I knew you could sing girlie" They kissed and twriled the night away

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