Fatal Attraction

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Fatal Attraction  . . . . . . . . . . . 

"Honey the movers are almost finished with all things we are moving into the hide-out" she reminded her sweet husband.

"OK babe, we are going to have a good time this holiday season. Inviting the families over and decorating this huge house. We both love it here right sweets?" he made sure their wedding photo was hung properly over the fireplace over the mantle with the rest of their family heirlooms. 

'Sweetheart did you pack my shotgun and my swords and any other weapons?" he know they are in the woods too and he remembers the last time a deer was in their back yard. 

"Yes honey, I packed everything we need to kill anything that walks on all fours or all two's" she joked and they both cracked up

Even the movers were laughing. They know a lot of swatters take over vacation homes. so they will need those weapons in case they come back to claim the hide-out as theirs.

In Georgia they got a swatters -law where swatters don't have to get out if they find an empty home and lived there. The bank would have to file a swatter's removal petition to get them out. 

Sweet Pea "I got pepper spray and mace and clips for my nine and even silver bullets, but I doubt if we see any werewolves" she giggled

"Yeah, werewolves, now that is funny honey" but he knew its possible

They get to sit down and rest and she jumps in his lap. He likes her there. Sitting on mike jr turn mike Sr. in the middle of the night.

"So when do you expect fatal attraction to send a love letter here at the hide-out?" she was ready for that crazy woman to come around bothering her man

"Babe do me a favor if you see her before I do, take over my light work OK?" and they kissed

Sweet Pea "Oh no honey, if she comes around here, we going to put chains on her and have some fun. You know I know a lot of kinky stuff, since I watch a lot of kinky Play*boy channels at night when you are fast at sleep"

"You still cheating on me with that station?" he smiled but in all he loves the stuff she gets off there because their se*x life is off the chain. Without chains.

Doc Hollywood "She would not have the nerves to face you Sweet Pea. She writes all that garbage, but she can not back nothing up in real life"

Sweet Pea "You damn right she can't" and they got that huge home to themselves and she bet not bring her sad sack azz to mess up their Holidays. She won't live long enough to go bragging

"We going to get in the hot tub tonight babe?" he winked

"We going to put on a show for the neighbor over across the road. You know he has a telescope and he always trying to be a peeping tom, when we come for the Holidays"

Doc Hollywood "You right butter cake. Oh Mister Blackstone. He lives alone and he does uses that telescope to see us in action. A dirty old man"

"He won't be alone this trip. Imma might sure of it" she has not told Doc Hollywood her plans just yet

"Honey that did not sound right. What are you up too?" as he waited for an answer. 

"Oh nothing honey. We got this huge home to ourselves. We got all these weapons and we got plenty of food and wines and even some se*x toys to make our bedroom very interesting right?"

"Oh so is that what you went to the mall to get? Some kinky toys?" he winked

"Well, we needed some new movies to honey. You have not saw all of Janet's new movies. Why Did I Get Married 1 and 2 right?"

"No, I did not get to see those" Any good?"

"Yelp babe, she really busted up that house with a golf club"

"WOW! you got that one? I got to see my little sister in action" he wants to see that one tonight after they get busy in the hot tub

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