Sweet Pea and Michael xoxo

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Sweet Pea and Michael xoxo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                . . . . . .

Sweet Pea is back laying down. Taking a much needed nap to sleep off her anxiety attack. She is back calm down and her husband loves to watch her sleep and he loves that she takes care of her anxiety attacks. She ate her dinner well and all the guest are in their guess bedrooms and the house is real calm. Her Father and Mother are down in the lower level where a swimming pool is in a Man cave. Its like they are on vacation now. They dont go swimming often either. 

"Sweet Pea" as he played with her long red hair as she slept

Last night they had so much fun and now she has changed. She is a Gemini A Gem of An Eye !

"Sweet Pea "He lays there and calls her name She sleeps so sound and she is getting her beauty sleep

"Sweet Pea darling" he calls her name but she does not hear him. She is in dream land 

She is actually dreaming of him. The dream is about they went on vacation to their Holiday Home up in the mountains and it was snowing earlier then usual and it not even Halloween yet. They are waiting for his Mother Queen Mother and King Father to come to Thanksgiving dinner . Queen Mother is suppose to cook and fix all the Thanksgiving trimmings for the whole FAMily. The Jacksons were all coming and It is going to be a fantastic Holiday vacation. 

The FAMily is all gathered in the dinning room. The huge Turkey and dressing is on a platter and there are pumpkin pies and chess pies and custard and egg nog and sweet potatoes and fresh collards and hot water cornbread

The huge home is decorated They even got their Christmas tree up All decorated with white ornaments and plastic red apples and white garland and red bows and green garland too. The tree is a white scotch pine. The got Angel hair on it and spray some fake snow on it too

They are celebrating one Holiday after another in Sweet Pea's dream. She has calmed down and her husband is there to make sure she is not having any nightmares. Her meds gave a strange effect after drinking gin the night before. She was wilding out in front of the whole FAMily.

When she wakes up Michael has a song picked out for her So they can continued being in love with his music of course. 

He knows his music calms her down and He can't wait til she wakes up He wrote a new song for her to fall in love with. He likes for them to cry together. It helps to cleanse their soul of any jealousy  that lurks around them. They are really spiritual lovers.

"Sweet Pea baby" as he hold her tight and lays right beside her wishing she was as jubilant as she was last night 

They sung and made love all night long and she is real fun when her other twin don't come out. 

"Sweet Pea I love you come back to me baby" as a tear fell from his ey. She suffers being a Gemini. They change like the weather 

"Sweet Pea wake up darling I want us to leave here an d go on a secret location for about two weeks then come back here to the FAMily Ok baby?" he was asking her in her sleep

"Sweet Pea I wanna make love to you my darling lover You make the best love I ever had girl"

"Sweet Pea wake up baby I wanna sing to you I love how you love me" and he kissed her belly button 

"Sweet Pea I know you wanna do it tonight all night long girl dont you?" 

"Sweet Pea if you don't wake up I will start without you"

as he separated her slit and found it to be wet

"Sweet Pea its not fun without you babe please pretty please with sugar on top?"

Sweet Pea "You late I already started as she knew she was already wet

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