Love On Lockdown

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Love On Lockdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Back upstairs in one of their guest bedrooms. 

"Honey she in for a real treat. Last night I taped our lovemaking session and I will torture her with it" Michael revealed to Sweet Pea. She is going to see me making love to you"

Sweet Pea "Honey, you are a genius She will be so jealous of seeing you making it good to me instead of her huh?" HeHe! HeHe! HeHe! Serves her azz right. For coming all the way to our Holiday hide-out to try and hide in our basement to hear us doing it"

Michael "Well she won't get enough" he kissed his real stuff and they both pet their loving Husky 'Magic'

Sweet Pea "I got Love On Lockdown" she laughed 

Michael "You better have me on Lockdown I got you on Lockdown" and they enjoyed their fireplace and the scenery outside. A great view with a balcony and glass shower and hot tub and a comfy bed and pillows. Sheer Heaven in his arms.

Michael "I am not going to be apart of your little threesome am I Sweet Pea?" knowing she was into that kind of stuff

Sweet Pea "I don't know I might make her beg for it and tease her. Like you parade around in front of her and I will thrash her if she looks at mike jr. " she laughed

Michael laughed too "ahahahaha HeHe! HeHe! HeHe! HeHe!"

She definitely came to the wrong home and she definitely messing with the wrong man. Sweet Pea and Michael has been a tag team since God knows when. He is her knight in shining armor. If anybody don't like it, then bump you

Michael "You don't have to go easy on her either honey. She has been a thorn in our side for years. I tried to compromise  with that stank , but she kept right on writing those dumb love letters and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of her"

"Don't worry babe. I'm gonna call my girls up, Madame Dame Maria and Mistress Echo Diva and we gonna work Miss RiRi over real good"

Michael "She will hate se*x for now on trust me, when yall three get through with her, all the thrashings and commands, she will be good enough for 'Magic' and his crew"

Sweet Pea "That's right honey, 'Magic' can get a few l*i*cks too huh?" how nasty but so what?

Michael "I never liked RiRi or any other name that sounds like her's" he admitted he hates her with a passion.

Sweet Pea "When are you going to hook that home movie of us up for her to see?" 

Michael "After we view it first. Its our home movie right? So we gonna get off on it first and then whomever else wants too, that's their dull se*x life they need to spice up" 

Sweet Pea "Woo Hoo Woo Hoo Awouu that sounds delicious babe can't wait to get that in" she smirked

Michael "Hell yeah we this hot couple and we are not ashamed to let the world know. We hotter then July Jam" he chuckled again and they planned to put the home movie in late tonight. Make out and RiRi will hear them doing it. Then Michael will go downstairs and hook that movie up and it will keep repeating over and over and over. RiRi will be tortured for sure

Magic sitting on his fur rug listening. He understands everything they are saying. That is why his name is Magic

They have not giving Miss RiRi anything to eat yet. She must be starving down in that damp cold crawl space. There is a bed down there, but she will have to graduate and step her tongue action up to get to sleep in it

and guess who she going to serve for being so nosy?

She best be a naughty Miss RiRi or she may never get the 'D' ever again

Sweet Pea speaking to RiRi over the house PA System 

"You got the right one and the wrong one Miss Thang!" 

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